» Art » Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture

Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture

Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights" is the most incredible painting of the Middle Ages. It is saturated with symbols that are incomprehensible to modern man. What do all these giant birds and berries, monsters and fabulous animals mean? Where is the most slutty couple hiding? And what kind of notes are painted on the ass of a sinner?

Look for answers in the articles:

Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights. What is the meaning of the most fantastic picture of the Middle Ages.

"7 of the most incredible mysteries of the painting" Garden of Earthly Delights "by Bosch."

Top 5 mysteries of Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights.

site “Diary of painting. In each picture there is a story, a fate, a mystery.”

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Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights (1510) is one of the most enigmatic paintings ever made. She rarely leaves anyone indifferent.

But since it was created 500 years ago, its meaning is too vague for us. After all, the modern worldview is very different from the medieval one, based on orthodox religiosity. Therefore, Bosch's "rebus" can only be solved in the context of his era.

This is what I will try to do by answering the 5 questions of the picture.

1. Why is a sinner in Hell so similar to Eve in Paradise?

I noticed that the same woman is found on all three wings of the triptych. Eve in Paradise is very similar to the woman in the Garden of Delights and to one of the sinners in Hell.

Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture
Fragments of the painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch.

Bosch was a religious person, so it is quite possible that he decided to show the “way from heaven to hell” of the very first sinner on Earth.

Paradise is depicted on the left wing of the triptych "Garden of Earthly Delights". In the foreground, God holds Eve's hand, introducing her to Adam. Eve obediently lowered her eyes, and nothing in her appearance portends a fatal denouement. But the story of Eve in Bosch's painting does not end there. After all, then we meet her both in the Garden of Delights and in Hell.

Read about this in more detail in the article “5 most interesting mysteries of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights”.

Also read about the picture in the articles:

“What is the meaning of Bosch's most fantastic painting”

7 Incredible Mysteries of the Garden of Earthly Delights.

site “Painting nearby: about paintings and museums is easy and interesting”.

"data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.com/www.arts-dnevnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/image-19.jpeg?fit=444%2C658&ssl=1″ data-large-file="https://i2.wp.com/www.arts-dnevnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/image-19.jpeg?fit=444%2C658&ssl=1" loading =”lazy” class=”wp-image-1389″ title=”Hieronymus Bosch “Garden of Earthly Delights”. 5 most interesting mysteries of the painting” src=”https://i1.wp.com/arts-dnevnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/image-19.jpeg?resize=480%2C711″ alt=” Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the painting" width="480" height="711" data-recalc-dims="1"/>

Hieronymus Bosch. The Garden of Earthly Delights. Wing "Paradise". Fragment. 1505-1510 Prado Museum, Madrid.

As we know from the Bible, Eve ate an apple from the forbidden tree in order to become like God, knowing good and evil. She disobeyed her Creator, succumbing to the first human sin - pride.

Eve repented, but it was too late. Expulsion from Paradise was inevitable. God commanded Eve and Adam to live their earthly life and go to Hell, where they will spend more than 5000 years before the Coming.

In Bosch's Garden of Delights, we see a girl very similar to Eve from Paradise on the left wing of the triptych. Why is there a transparent flower on her head, and why is she not participating in what is happening?

Read about it in the article “The 5 Most Interesting Mysteries of Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights”.

site “Painting nearby: about paintings and museums is easy and interesting”.

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Hieronymus Bosch. The Garden of Earthly Delights. Central part. Fragment. 1505-1510 Prado Museum, Madrid.

In the Garden of Delights, Eve does not participate in what is happening. She lowered her eyes humbly as she repented of her sin. She wears a transparent flower on her head. Perhaps this is a sign of detachment and unwillingness to say anything, as befits a humble person.

On the right wing "Hell" of the triptych "Garden of Earthly Delights" we see a sinner who takes torment for her pride. A toad sits on her chest, which in the Middle Ages was also a symbol of swagger and excessive vanity.

Read more about this sinner and why she looks so much like Eve from Paradise in the article “The 5 Most Interesting Mysteries of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights”.

site “Painting nearby: about paintings and museums is easy and interesting”.

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Fragment of the right wing “Hell”. 

But the punishment is inevitable, and Eve ends up in Hell. Here she is punished for her pride. Therefore, she will have to look at her reflection for a very long time so that her humility has no end. She has a toad on her chest, which in the Middle Ages was also a symbol of swagger and unreasonable vanity.

In Hell, Eve has perhaps the most humble and even calm face. After all, unlike others, she knew that she would get here.

2. What kind of people in the Garden of Delights are sitting in a dugout?

In the lower right corner of the Garden of Delights (the central part of the triptych) we see three people looking out of the dugout. Their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness. Who are they?

In the lower right corner of the central part of the triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights" we see unusual people. They look out of the dugout, do not participate in what is happening, but rather are observers. And their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness. Who are they and why did Bosch depict them in his picture?

Read about it in the article “The 5 Most Interesting Mysteries of Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights”.

site “Painting nearby: about paintings and museums is easy and interesting”.

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Fragment of the central part. 

Apparently, these are wild people. Wild people were depicted naked, whose body is completely covered with hair, except for the face and neck, hands, feet, knees and breasts in women.

The theme of wild people was a favorite in the Middle Ages. Their images are often found on tapestries and dishes of the Middle Ages.

For ordinary people, they were savages, more free in terms of love and life in general. Not surprisingly, Bosch depicted them in a painting dedicated to the sin of voluptuousness. After all, they were a symbol of passion and bodily pleasures.

By the way, the depicted wild man in Bosch's painting is very similar to the savage from the miniature of Jean Bourdichon (1457-1521), an illustrator of psalters and hour books of the 15th-16th centuries.

Jean Bourdichon was an outstanding illustrator of the Middle Ages and one of the last miniaturists in Europe, before the advent of the printing industry. He created a large number of incredible miniatures for books of hours and breviaries. “4 social circles” is one of them.

Read about it in the article “The 5 Most Interesting Mysteries of Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights”.

site “Painting nearby: about paintings and museums is easy and interesting”.

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Jean Bourdichon. Fragment “Wild life” of the miniature “4 social circles”. Around 1500

I can assume that Bourdichon's drawing was created before the "Garden of Earthly Delights" and was taken by Bosch as the basis for writing his wild people.

3. Why do Bosch's monsters, like a "hodgepodge", consist of parts of different creatures?

Bosch Hell is full of monsters. What is it worth the most important demon with a human face, a hollow egg body and tree legs. Smaller monsters are no less remarkable, such as, for example, a creature with a bird's head, butterfly wings and three-toed limbs (at the legs-trees of a demon-egg).

Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture
Fragments of the “Hell” wing of the painting “Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch.

It was an axiom for Bosch's contemporaries that all beings are created in the image and likeness of God. And everything that has a terrible and ugly appearance is the offspring of the Devil.

Therefore, in order to emphasize the diabolical nature of the creature as much as possible, he was portrayed as level-headed as possible. And this was achieved by attaching fish tails to hares, and to birds - a snail instead of a head.

If you open any book of the Middle Ages, on its pages you will find many strange creatures-designers.

Here are just a few examples:

Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture
Lady Doe and Half Rabbit Half Fish. Drawings from the breviary of Margaret Bahr of Metz (1302-1305). Stored in the municipal library of Verdun, France.
Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture
Snail bird and half-bull-half-fish. Drawings from the Luttrell Psalter (1325-1340). Stored in the British Library.

At the time of Bosch, there are generally many images of monsters and monstrous creatures. I came across a miniature from a medieval watch book, created even before the birth of Bosch.

On it we see Hell, teeming with demons. Most of them are in their usual form - devils with horns and tails. However, among them there is a monster quite in the spirit of Bosch.

On the left we see a demon piercing a sinner with a trident. It looks like a fly without wings, with one horn and a bird's beak.

Perhaps it was these drawings that inspired Bosch to create his own “Hell”.

The Hell's Mouth miniature was created in 1440, before the birth of Bosch. On it we see devils and demons cracking down on crowds of martyrs. Perhaps it was these miniatures that inspired Bosch to create his own “Hell”.

Read more about this in the article “The 5 Most Interesting Mysteries of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights”.

site “Diary of painting. In each picture there is a story, a fate, a mystery.”

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Hell Mouth. Miniature from the book of hours of Catherine of Klevskaya. Holland. 1440

Read about the most interesting demons of Bosch from the Garden of Earthly Delights in the article "The most important monsters of the picture."

4. What is the symbol on the giant knives in Hell?

In Bosch Hell, we see several giant knives. At the time of the artist, knives were used not only in the kitchen, but also to punish thieves. They cut off their ears. Therefore, it is not surprising that knives are present in Hell with giant ears to boot.

But what kind of symbol in the form of either the letter “M” or the letter “B” is on these knives?

Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture
Fragments of the “Hell” sash of Hieronymus Bosch’s painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights”

In the 15th and 16th centuries, knives were produced in the artist’s hometown of Hertongenbosch, which were also sold outside of Holland. So, they were exported to Spain and Scandinavia. These knives were branded.

Therefore, I can assume that it is more likely the letter “B”, as the first letter of the abbreviated name of the city. This sign on the knife is also found in other works by Bosch, for example, in the painting “The Last Judgment”.

On Bosch's triptych "The Last Judgment" we see a giant knife with a sign in the form of the letter "B" or "M". The same signs are on the knives in the Hell "Garden of Earthly Delights". What does this mean.

Look for the answer in the article "The 5 Most Interesting Mysteries of Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights".

site “Painting nearby: about paintings and museums is easy and interesting”.

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Hieronymus Bosch. Terrible Judgment. Fragment. 1504 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

5. The main mystery of Bosch's painting: why does it have so many details?

Anyone who has seen Bosch's paintings is struck by the amount of detail that abounds in his work. There are so many of them that it's just dizzying.

Bosch was an artist of his time and naturally succumbed to his influence. And in his time it was customary to draw every detail.

It is enough to open any book from the time of Bosch to be convinced of the dominance of this style of image through the drawing of many details.

Here are just two pages from the Hours of Anne of Brittany.

Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture
Pages from the Hours of Anne of Brittany. The artist is Jean Bourdichon. 1503-1505 National Library of France.

The paintings of the Middle Ages were just as worked out to the smallest detail. We are convinced of this by examining the work of Jan van Eyck and Robert Kampen. I wrote about the painting of the latter “Saint Barbara” in more detail in the article “7 paintings of the Prado Museum worth seeing”.

Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights. 5 most interesting puzzles of the picture

Bosch's work was not so strange and unusual for his contemporaries. And other artists of his time used a large number of details, symbols and unknown creatures in their works.

Despite the fact that Bosch absorbed a lot from his contemporaries and transferred it to his paintings, one must pay tribute to his genius. Still, he is an unsurpassed master in symbolism and riddles, even for his time.

About Bosch's painting "Garden of Earthly Delights" read also the article:

 “7 Incredible Mysteries of the Garden of Earthly Delights”


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