» Art » What you need to know about hiring an art consultant

What you need to know about hiring an art consultant

What you need to know about hiring an art consultant

Art Advisor is like a business partner and friend for your art collection

There are many benefits to working with an art consultant, also known as an art consultant.

It's more than just defining your style and buying art.

"What's really important is finding someone who seems to understand the kind of work you're passionate about," says Kimberly Mayer, a spokesperson for . “This is who you spend time with,” she continues. "You're going to go to museums and find out what you're really interested in."

In the second part of a two-part series on working with an art consultant, we'll discuss what you need to know after hiring and working with one. Start by learning about the core responsibilities of an art consultant and why they are a valuable addition to your art collection team.

1. Art consultants must require a written agreement

Mayer suggests that you treat your consultant the same way you treat your lawyer or accountant: "You have a written agreement with your lawyer and accountant." Here you can discuss details such as the hourly rate or fee, what is included in the service and how long the payment or advance is extended. Different services may also have different rates. For example, an art consultant may charge a different fee when searching for art compared to collecting documents to upload to your account.

2. Artistic consultants can help protect your collection in the following ways:

Art consultants are intimately familiar with the finer details of owning an art collection. They are an excellent resource when managing aspects such as taxes and estate planning. Here are 5 pieces of art collection that your consultant can advise on:

Proper insurance: An art consultant should be well versed in how to secure proper insurance for your collection. .  

Sale of works of art: If you are interested in selling a work of art, the first step should always be to contact the original seller, be it a gallery or an artist. Your art consultant can help with this. If a gallery or artist is unavailable or not interested in returning art, your consultant can help sell the work.

Storage: Artistic consultants will either be familiar with or have the tools to study the various conservationists in your area. They can find a candidate with the necessary experience, as well as organize artistic repairs and restoration.

Shipping and shipping insurance: If you need to ship a work of art, special care and attention must be paid to packaging and shipping insurance. In some cases, it is not practical to submit certain jobs and you need to know when such situations arise. Your art consultant can handle this for you.

estate planning: Consultants are a knowledgeable resource to consult during the initial stages of real estate planning. .

Sales tax: When purchasing art out of state or when filing taxes, experienced consultants handle your payments in the best possible way. "Sales tax is definitely a problem across the country," Mayer says. "Laws vary from state to state."

"If you buy an item in Miami and ship it to New York, you won't have to pay sales tax, but you will be responsible for the use tax," Mayer explains. “You should be aware of this and discuss it with your consultant and accountant. Galleries may not always be free with this information."

What you need to know about hiring an art consultant

3. Art consultants help you contextualize your work

An art consultant is familiar with how to manage a collection over time. "You want to hire someone who understands the parameters of caring for a job you've owned for decades," Mayer says. The Art Advisor is a resource to help you achieve greater satisfaction and success when making changes and additions to your art collection. "Art consultants are here to help you."


Advisors, consultants, restorers, restorers, dealers and galleries, oh my! Find out what all these art professionals are up to and more in our free e-book.