» Art » 50 amazing themes for your art blog

50 amazing themes for your art blog

50 amazing themes for your art blog

You sit at your desk, defeated, just staring at a blank computer screen.

You are trying to come up with new topics for your artist blog.

Sounds familiar?

Archive of drawings to help! To run a successful artist blog, focus on what your audience wants to know. Writing for your fans, potential clients, and even other artists can help you showcase your experience and dedication as an artist and encourage people to buy your work.

From sharing your process to promoting your upcoming gallery submission, we've brainstormed fifty art blog themes to make art blogging a breeze!

For customers and art lovers:

Encourage clients to buy your art by telling them more about your artist's story, as well as telling them about exciting developments in your art career.

  • How do you find inspiration?
  • What are you currently working on?
  • Do you travel for your art?
  • How is your process going?
  • Who are your favorite artists?
  • How did you learn?
  • What was the most valuable thing you learned in art school?
  • Who is your mentor and what did he teach you?
  • Why are you creating art?
  • What is your favorite work that you have created?
  • What is your favorite work by another artist?
  • Why are you working in the environment you do?
  • What is your favorite place to be creative?
  • Describe your "Year in Review".

50 amazing themes for your art blogArtwork Archive, the artist reflected on her "Result of the Year" in her .

  • Advertise the seminars you run.
  • Describe the city where you have always wanted to make art.
  • Advertise upcoming exhibitions that will showcase your work.
  • Express gratitude for recent awards and gallery representation.
  • Describe recent art events, conventions, and exhibitions you have attended.
  • What did you learn from the classes or seminars?
  • What medium have you always wanted to try?
  • If you teach, what is your favorite lesson to teach other artists?
  • Why are you drawn to a particular style of art?


Industrial Aging by Jane LaFazio

frequent artist blog Artwork Archive.

  • What is your mission?
  • What is your philosophy as an artist?
  • Express your gratitude for the feedback on your work.
  • Post the rules for participating in the free giveaway of your art.
  • Make a list of your artistic goals.
  • Collect all your favorite art quotes.
  • Why have you changed styles or themes over the years?

For other performers:

Use your blog posts to build credibility as an artist and as an expert in your craft. Not only will other artists appreciate your advice, but potential buyers will admire your knowledge and dedication to your artistic career.

  • What tools or materials do you use and recommend?
  • What would you have done differently or the same in your artistic career looking back?
  • Make videos of your demos.
  • What advice would you give to succeed in the art industry?
  • What have you learned from using social media for your art business?
  • What are your steps to create art (shown with pictures)?

50 amazing themes for your art blog

Artwork Archive The artist shows the various stages of his work in .

  • How do you stay organized?
  • What strategy tips do you have for an artistic career?
  • How did you build your social media audience?
  • How do you learn new techniques?
  • Why do you take inventory of your work?
  • What benefits have you received from joining the association of artists?
  • What artists and influencers in the art business are you friends with?
  • What art books do you recommend and what have you learned?
  • What feature films have you watched and admired?
  • What advice did you have to heed or ignore when starting your career as an artist?


50 amazing themes for your art blog

The artist and art business coach shares tips on how to showcase her work for "good exposure" on her blog.

  • What are your tips for printing your work?
  • How do you meet people from the art industry?
  • Describe your methods for cleaning and caring for your instruments.
  • How do you maintain a good work-life balance?

Did these ideas make you think?

Trying to come up with topics for your artist blog can leave your mind blank. When you start to get this unsettling feeling, just remember to keep potential buyers, fans, and artists in mind and use this list of ideas. Then you can start writing and selling more art.

Want to make an artist's blog?