» Art » 5 professional reports that will impress buyers and galleries

5 professional reports that will impress buyers and galleries

5 professional reports that will impress buyers and galleries

Have you ever billed someone on a Post-It sticker or a piece of binding paper?

It happens.

But it's far better to go all out (or bill) and showcase your business in the best possible light. Professionalism is the key to any thriving art business, and professional reports are a great way to show off.

Whether it's a clean invoice or a polished portfolio page, professional reports are a quick and easy way to impress buyers, collectors, and galleries alike. And when they see you as a professional, they're more likely to treat you and your art business the way you both deserve. Here are 5 professional reports every artist should create.

Art Archive makes creation easy! 

1. Accounts for simple transactions

While the Post-It invoice gets the job done, it's much better to have a clean, professional invoice to hand over to the buyer. This way they know what they are paying and when the money is due. And you know you get paid what you deserve. You want your invoice to contain your contact information and customer contact information to facilitate correspondence. It should also include a picture of the work, its title, dimensions, and price, so that both of you know which transaction is taking place. The price should be broken down into piece price, framing (if any), tax, shipping (if any), and down payment (if any). It speaks professionally when it's all beautifully laid out and creates a streamlined and transparent experience for the buyer.

2. Consignment reports for gallery representation

Consider the consignment report an integral part of your gallery experience. This ensures that the gallery has accurate information about your work. They will know its price, dimensions, any notes you want to include, its batch ID, and the date it was shipped. Your gallery will also have your contact information and you will have their contact information so they can easily contact you about your work. Hope this tell you it's sold out!

5 professional reports that will impress buyers and galleriesAn example of an art archive inventory report.

3. Gallery labels for a sophisticated presence

It's so nice to have gallery shortcuts available at the click of a button. You can easily print gallery labels via . You can choose to display your name, title, dimensions, inventory number, price, and/or description of the work. It is so simple! You'll be ready to impress at your next art show, festival or solo show.

4. Address labels for easy shipping

Who doesn't want to save time and demonstrate their professionalism? One of these methods is the printing of stickers with an individual address. With the click of a button, you can print address labels in Avery 5160 size labels for any selected contact in the Artwork archive. This makes shipping easy and convenient.

5 professional reports that will impress buyers and galleriesSample Art Archive Certificate of Authenticity


5. Portfolio pages to promote your art

Some of our artists keep a stack of portfolio pages in their studio. They can then easily pass them on to any interested person who visits their workplace. Portfolio pages are also a great and professional way to show interested galleries and buyers what to send or buy. You can choose the information you want to share, including title, size, artist name, description, price, stock number, creation date, and your contact information. You can promote your work with a beautiful and informative portfolio page.


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