» Art » Top 4 questions artists have about Facebook (and answers)

Top 4 questions artists have about Facebook (and answers)

Top 4 questions artists have about Facebook (and answers)

Jokes, vacation photos, gourmet food - it can be fun to post on Facebook!

But what about posting on your art business's Facebook page? This can cause a lot of stress for artists.

You may have questions about what to write and how best to engage your fans. Lucky for you, you don't need to earn a degree in social media marketing to get useful and useful content for your Facebook artist page.

From the best time to post to catchy writing tips, we've answered four common questions artists on Facebook often ask so you can avoid stress and help your art business thrive right away with this great marketing tool.

1. What time and day should I post?

Everyone wants to know: “What is the best time to post on Facebook?” 

According to the post, the best time to post on Facebook is between 1:3 pm and 18:1 pm weekdays and Saturdays. They also found engagement rates to be 3% higher on Thursdays and Fridays. However, other studies have identified other "better times" for publishing. Hubspot found it to be Thursday and Friday from 8am to 1pm, TrackMaven found it to be Thursday at 4am to XNUMXpm, CoSchedule found it to be XNUMXam to XNUMXpm late in the week and weekends are best , while BuzzSumo's research suggests posting during off-peak hours. 

It is clear that publication at a certain time does not guarantee success. “Whenever you post on Facebook, you are essentially competing with at least 1,500 other posts for space in the news feed, and time is just one of many factors that determine what content appears,” Buffer blog explains. .

As with any marketing endeavor, you have to see what works best for your art business. And Facebook has a simple tool to help! Facebook Business Page Insights lets you view a lot of stats, including the times and days your fans are online, so you can experiment with what times your followers respond best. 

“A comprehensive understanding of your own audience on Facebook and how your content performs will bring more success than general insights gained from research on a wide variety of pages from different industries and brands,” the social media management site explains.

Top 4 questions artists have about Facebook (and answers)


2. What should I do on the cover?

By now, you know that your profile picture needs to be professional, friendly, and of high quality. But what should you put as the cover? 

Your cover photo is a fantastic space to draw attention to your art business. This is the most important feature and possibly the first thing your fans will see when they visit your Facebook page. That's why it's so important that it looks good, whether it's a bright, colorful image of your art or a small commercial for your art business. 

You can get creative by adding text to an image or creating a collage with Canva, just don't overdo it! People are more drawn to images than words, which is why HubSpot suggests making your photo mostly visual, leaving text in less than 20% of the image.


3. How much information should I include?

The real question is: "Are you including enough?"

We recommend including as much information as possible in the About Us section, but not writing a novel. Not only does this make your art business look more professional and organized, but it also shows potential buyers that you've put in the effort to make your business succeed.

Adding a short description or your mission as an artist allows fans to connect, and including your website and other contact information allows them to get in touch if they are interested in viewing or buying your art. You can even enable multiple websites at once, so feel free to link to your personal website, blog, and public art archive page.

Drive people to your website to sell your art by always adding a link to where your art is available in your photo captions. You can also add a Call to Action button at the top of your Facebook page to direct people to your artist's site. Just click "Create a call to action" located next to the "Like" button at the top of the page and follow the instructions.

You can choose the button text from several options, including "Learn More" and "Buy Now". You can also select the website page that the button redirects people to when clicked.

4. What should I write?

When people can scroll through their Facebook feeds so easily, you need to make sure you grab their attention quickly. The Social Media Examiner claims that the first three or four words of your post are critical to gaining attention.

Biggest tip to remember?

Don't be overly promotional. Even if you do not want it, it can make you too corrupt. Posting only images of your newest items and their prices probably won't be as effective.

how to show your followers your entire art business - your process, your inspiration, interesting art-related articles, your successes and challenges, and the successes of your colleagues.

What is the point?

Your art business is unique, as are the potential buyers and fans who visit your Facebook page. Start with these tips to find what works for your specific audience.

Focus on finding the right time and day to post to your followers, have a cover that reinforces your brand including enough information for your fans to contact you, and post compelling content that illustrates all the wonderful aspects of your art business. .

Mastering these Facebook elements is another great way to help your art become known.

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