» Art » 10 Things Every Artist Should Do Before 10 AM

10 Things Every Artist Should Do Before 10 AM

10 Things Every Artist Should Do Before 10 AM

Let's face it, mornings can be rough.

But they don't have to be. Whether you're the type of person who hits the alarm clock ten times in a row, or the type who jumps out of bed the minute the sun rises, morning sets the tone for your entire day. And how you spend your days, of course, is how you spend your life. It also sets you up for success in your career.  

For artists, since our work days are usually organized on their own, morning routines are especially important. You need to be in the right frame of mind to create your best work in the studio. But how?

Start Your Day Off Right By Solving These Ten Things Before 10 PM

Prioritize at least seven hours of sleep

Sleep. This may be an elusive thing for many busy artists, but it is crucial for , including your ability to create. Without it, you won't be able to maintain a productive schedule.

recommend seven to nine hours of sleep per night for adults and link a healthy sleep pattern to improved memory, increased creativity and focus, reduced risk of depression, increased life expectancy, and reduced stress levels.

If you're having trouble reaching that goal, here's what they suggest:

Stick to a sleep routine even on weekends.


Make sure your mattress and pillows are comfortable enough.

Daily exercise.

Turn off electronics before bed (or don't put them to bed at all)

Set an alarm to remind yourself when it's time to go to bed.

Set Your Intentions and Tune in to Gratitude

Before heading into the studio, it's important to remind yourself of your "why".

Think of three to four reasons why you are grateful to be an artist and three to four things you want to do during your day at work.

practicing can remind you how lucky you are to live your passion and help rekindle a new passion in your art. By stating what you are grateful for, you reduce stress and create abundance, positivity, and opportunity in your world. All this will set you up for future success.

Use the previous night wisely

If you're not a morning person, you know how hard it is to wake up and walk out the door. So why not prepare for the day before you find yourself in the thick of things?

By reordering your to-do list, packing lunch to take with you, or even laying out the tools you plan to use in the studio, you can get your feet up in the morning and put off to get to the real work. Do this work when you have the energy for it the night before. The less you have to worry when you wake up, the better you will feel ready to start the day.

Take care of your most important tool: your body

The rigors of day-to-day studio work can take a toll on the profession's most important tool: your body.

If you are not a fan of morning exercises, try getting your body moving first thing in the morning in a different way. Find a yoga class that you can do in your home or studio, or take a walk around the neighborhood at sunrise. Whatever you choose, using your body first thing in the morning will increase your levels of happiness and productivity.

At the very least, take the time to do a few stretches when you get out of bed.

Stretches such as the lying knee twist, the yoga cat-cow pose, and the cobra stretch (all demonstrated from APM Health) can do wonders for your back, while Prayer Posture and Wrist Reach Flex those invaluable creative tools, also known as your hands and wrists.

Your life as an artist depends on your body. Look after her.  


10 Things Every Artist Should Do Before 10 AM

Sketch or draw an idea or observation

Just like an athlete needs to warm up before a game, an artist needs to prepare the brain for creativity with a few creative exercises.

Painting in the morning is the new way to make your bed first thing in the morning.

Making your bed in the morning has been proven to boost your productivity throughout the day by setting yourself up for tasks. You make your bed, your brain feels rewarded for completing something and wants to do more tasks.

For artists, painting in the morning can do the same for your brain. One little drawing will keep you creative.

At breakfast, take out a notebook and jot down a few ideas or observations, try one of these methods. or choose a creative prompt if you don't know where to start.

It doesn't matter what you create, what matters is what you create. something. By doing something small every morning, you can overcome the “I don’t feel creative today” hurdle. Besides, you never know what will inspire you to do the next thing.

Take five minutes to learn something new

Even if it's just a few minutes of your morning, take the time to learn something new. Listen to an art business podcast or audiobook on your way to work.

Replace social media scrolling with a few paragraphs or scroll through your favorite.

Over time, these activities add up, and by the end of the year, you will have read, listened to, or viewed several books and educational materials that will contribute to your overall success. The most successful people and artists strive to learn throughout their lives.

, you can sign up for daily free five-minute lessons sent to your email where you can learn everything from business advice to personal development. The perfect way to activate your brain and prepare for a new day!

Achieve your goals

You're probably tired of hearing about goal setting. But there is a reason why almost every successful person on the planet uses them.

Goals set the direction needed for big things. So every morning, look over what long-term goals you hope to achieve, and here's the kicker: do one little thing daily to help get it done.

Set up this Instagram account. Sign up for this workshop. Send out this newsletter. Then celebrate your accomplishment - after all, you are much closer to your long-term goal! Good vibes will make you want to keep going.

By writing down your goals and reviewing them every day, you remind yourself of your creative vision and make it easier to sort out what's important.

Check your to-do list

The great thing about writing down your goals is that each goal has an action plan to achieve it.

Review your to-do list in the morning to see where you are in achieving your goals. Writing down these steps and little things on paper will get you up and running quickly. Don't waste time thinking about where to start. 

Where should you start first?

Most experts recommend taking on your biggest task of the day. Why? You will overcome this mountain of the project before your energy and enthusiasm run out. Or, if that's not the biggest challenge, choose the one that excites you the most. Use this excitement to your advantage and get things done!

Stick to routine

Routine? But isn't the same thing driving artists day after day?

Surprisingly, no! In fact, many to keep them focused, organized and ready to go.

If you need a quick start take a look at this created specifically for artists, which include the practice of positivity and a healthy breakfast. You will feel happier and more creative if you start the day right, without surprises.

Do one thing a day to stay organized

It's inevitable - you can't do your job as an artist if your studio or business is in a mess.

When you're constantly trying to figure out where your artwork is, who you've sold each artwork to, or how to get any critical information, it can be almost impossible to focus on creating. The stress alone drives me crazy.

Organizing your art business should be an important item on your to-do list, if not at the very top.

try out   free to stay organized as an artist. Then set a goal each morning to keep the business side of your art up to date. Review your inventory, schedule, and sales and see which clients you need to catch up with, what bills you still need to submit, which gallery you need to submit work to, and where you need to pick up your work. Then easily print reports, inventory lists, and track your goals while reviewing your business ideas.  

The rest of the day can be spent in the right mood for creativity.

and find out how Artwork Archive can improve your art business and help you on your path to success.