» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » More and more people are resorting to cosmetic surgery in Tunisia. That's why.

More and more people are resorting to cosmetic surgery in Tunisia. That's why.

Cosmetic surgery in Tunisia: A growing sector of surgery in Tunisia

A fashion phenomenon all over the world, cosmetic surgery is being practiced more and more in Tunisia.

Facial remodeling, silhouette enhancement, appearance enhancement, correction of a physical defect… The reasons for seeking cosmetic surgery are multiplying at the same rate as the number of people resorting to these practices.

But how to explain this phenomenon?

The desire to be beautiful and pleasant has always been far from a new trend for people. We all want beautiful skin, a toned figure, a flat stomach and a small nose. We all want to feel good about ourselves and our bodies. We all want to present ourselves to the world in a better light.

Thus, over the past few years, the number of people undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures has steadily increased. But why now?

The proliferation of new technologies, the ubiquity of social media, the culture of selfies and self-improvement… all this has led to an explosion in the number of people seeking plastic surgery. Target? Retouching your appearance to look like the best version of yourself.

Aside from the purely aesthetic benefits usually meant to increase self-confidence and improve well-being, cosmetic surgery can have real health benefits. Indeed, breast reduction is often aimed at alleviating the back pain that some patients suffer from; Botulinum acid is used today to treat migraines, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and facial paralysis.

Cosmetic surgery in Tunisia: treatments at unbeatable prices

Cosmetic surgery, previously reserved for a wealthy minority due to exorbitant prices, is now available to a larger population. More and more employees can now afford a breast lift, hyaluronic acid injection or tummy tuck.

These price cuts have spurred Tunisia's booming medical tourism sector. Indeed, Tunisia annually receives hundreds of thousands of people who want to remake the nose, chest, hips, mainly from France.

But why Tunisia?

The use of the procedure has many advantages for European citizens. In addition to the geographical proximity of the country, the prices for surgical and non-surgical procedures are very attractive. Indeed, a full medical stay (with a plane ticket, intervention cost and hotel accommodation) can cost less than a procedure performed in Europe.

On the other hand, Tunisian clinics are in line. This means that the quality of the services offered is impeccable, the methods used are at the forefront of technological progress, and the medical staff is highly qualified. All this makes Tunisia a very good place for those who are thinking about cosmetic surgery.