» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Breast Augmentation: Recovery After Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: Recovery After Breast Augmentation

Themammalian increase surgical procedure used to increase breast size. It mastoplasty supplement a recovery time of about two weeks is required. This period is variable and depends on the patient and the surgical technique used.

Downtime and full recovery time mainly depend on the position of the incisions, the route of insertion of the prostheses, and the sizebreast implant.

Breast Augmentation: Recovery After Breast Augmentation

Recovery after breast augmentation surgery

Right after breast augmentation

Immediately after the operation, the patient will feel moderate discomfort, but this pain can be relieved with painkillers. There may also be bruising, mild nausea, and swelling.

Arm movement will be limited for the first two to three days after treatment, especially if the prosthesis has been inserted under the muscle.

Patients should be sure to wear button-down shirts and easily removable clothing during hospitalization and for the first few days after surgery.

During this period, the patient should refrain from any physical activity. Alcohol, tobacco and taking any anticoagulants are also strongly discouraged.

From the second to the tenth day of recovery

The patient may begin to make small movements and short walks. However, she cannot move her arms freely, especially in patients who have undergone dual-stage additive mastoplasty.

Sharp, abrupt movements are not recommended as they can cause complications such as bleeding.

After a few days, once the patient stops taking painkillers that can dull her attention, she can resume driving.

From the 11th to the 14th day after the operation

After 10 days, the doctor usually allows you to return to work, provided that it does not involve excessive hand movements. As for normal daily activities, you can return to them two weeks after the operation, while limiting the movement of the upper body.

However, patients will be asked to avoid heavy lifting and to refrain from risky activities as the new breast needs time to heal.

One month after breast surgery

After a month, patients can return to their normal daily routine in a non-wired sports bra.

The chest will almost completely get rid of swelling and begin to look stable.

Your surgeon may allow you to start light upper body exercises and resume running after about 6 weeks.

3 months after breast augmentation

From the third month, upper body exercises can be resumed slowly. The scar will become less and less noticeable and will be almost invisible in the following months.

Now the patient can see the final result of her operation.

breast augmentation cost

Take full advantage of cheap breast augmentation with Medespoir France.

Round prostheses for breast augmentation (certified, non-PIP)2400 €5 nights / 6 days
Anatomic prostheses for breast augmentation (certified, non-PIP)2600 €5 nights / 6 days
Breast lipofilling2950 €5 nights / 6 days

Breast Augmentation: Recovery After Breast Augmentation

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