» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » FUE hair transplant

FUE hair transplant

Hair transplantation is one of the most effective and, above all, permanent methods of dealing with the very popular problem of baldness. Excessive hair loss leading to baldness affects both women and men and can be caused by many reasons. Hair loss can be associated with age and weakening of the hair structure, poor diet or stress. The causes of baldness can also be found in improper scalp care, diseases, hormonal disorders and the use of a certain group of drugs. Often the only way to get rid of a problem when other remedies fail is a hair transplant. Thanks to this, we can make up for the shortcomings of the hair and make it thicker.

Baldness diagnostics and treatment methods

The first and most important step in the fight against hair loss is the right treatment. cause diagnosis. Knowing the source of the problem, appropriate treatment can be carried out. Depending on the result of the test, this may include, for example, the introduction of an appropriate diet, a change in the method of care, or the treatment of the underlying disease that led to the problem of hair loss. Finding out the cause of baldness, in addition to checking the condition of the scalp, should include a survey from which the doctor can find out if there is a related problem in the patient's family. In addition, blood tests and trichoscopy may be performed to analyze the patient's health status. Triochoscopy study refers to non-invasive diagnostic methods. Includes an assessment of the condition of the scalp and hair using dermatoscopy, which allows you to view images at a higher magnification. During the procedure, photographs are taken, which are then sent to the laboratory for detailed analysis. It is important to note that there are no contraindications for diagnostics by this method. Therefore, anyone struggling with excessive hair loss and alopecia can benefit.

Treatment of alopecia can be based on drug therapy, the use of specialized preparations, such as rubbing, masks and creams, mesotherapy. It is also possible to stimulate hair growth with the latest technology in the form of laser phototherapy. If all of the above methods do not work or do not bring the expected results, there is help hair transplantation.

What is hair transplant

Generally speaking, a hair transplant procedure can be defined as the removal of hair follicles and their transplantation to a specific location where defects have occurred. Treatment extends not only to areas of the head affected by alopecia, but also to facial hair, such as a beard or eyebrows. Transplantation is considered the most effective way to deal with hair loss, mainly through the use of the most modern methods that bring real results. The procedure itself is performed using anesthesia, which, depending on the method, can be general or local. An experienced specialist must decide which method is better to choose in a particular case, taking into account both the expectations of the patient and the available technological conditions. It is important to note that the use of transplantation can be performed in case of alopecia due to illness, accident and as part of the reconstruction of the scalp and the treatment of scarring. The versatility of the procedure means that hair transplantation becomes a lifesaver for people for whom hair loss has been associated with traumatic experiences such as a history of cancer or an accident.

Hair transplantation with modern FUE method

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is highly valued by doctors and patients alike. This is mainly due to the fact that this method belongs to least invasive treatments. During its execution, it is not necessary to cut out any fragments of the skin with hair follicles growing on it. Thanks to a precise device equipped with a microscope, only the follicles can be collected without disturbing the skin structure. Performing a procedure does not leave scars visible to the naked eye. It is important to note that when using this method, all the structures necessary for hair growth, such as stem cells, are transplanted.

Who is the FUE hair transplant procedure suitable for?

Hair transplant surgery performed by this method is recommended for people who are struggling with androgenetic alopecia. Mostly men suffer from it, but sometimes women also struggle with it. Young people are increasingly reporting the problem. Transplantation by this method allows you to get rid of the problem, while ensuring will not leave permanent and visible scars. Because of this, it can also be used by people with a tendency to scarring. Therefore, the FUE method is recommended for those who struggle with the problem of scalp inelasticity and are prone to hypertrophic scars. In addition, this method is suitable for people who do not have the opportunity to remove follicles from the head. With this method, it is possible to collect material for transplantation from the chin, torso or pubis.

Proper preparation for the procedure

Before deciding on an operation, consultation with a doctor and assessment of the condition of the scalp of the patient. The number of bellows needed for collection and the area of ​​the defect should then be estimated. In addition, an interview and check of the general health of the patient is carried out in order to exclude any obstacles for transplantation. During the conversation with the doctor, the patient sets out his expectations and chooses the most optimal method of transplantation. This also affects the estimated cost of the procedure. When all preparations are made, the doctor provides the patient with important preparation information and recommendations before proceeding with the procedure. Anti-clotting drugs, such as aspirin, should be stopped two weeks before the procedure. On the eve You should refrain from drinking alcohol and strong coffee. On the day of the operation a light breakfast is recommended.

What does the procedure look like?

Treatment is preceded by donor zonefrom which hair follicles will be collected and recipient areainto which they will be transplanted. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The area from which the material is to be taken is carefully shaved so that the bellows can be precisely matched. The possible course of the procedure involves either the collection of all material in advance, and then its implantation at the site of defects, or the simultaneous collection and immediate transfer to the recipient zone. All assembled bellows must be properly prepared before they are placed in the receiving area. To collect material for transplantation, specialized instruments with a diameter of 0,7 to 1 mm are used. A tiny hole is created at the collection site, which heals within a few days. The entire procedure must be carried out with maximum precision and an ideal assessment of the distance to the individual implants and the angle of their location. All this in order to regrown hair looked as natural as possible. The time to take performing the procedure между 4 to 6 hours. Thanks to the use of local anesthesia, the patient can go home on his own after completing all the activities.

What happens after the procedure?

First of all, it is recommended immediately after the procedure. taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, do not expose your head to sunlight. In addition, it is not recommended to carry out exhausting physical activity and visit the pool for up to three weeks after treatment. Also, do not use the solarium for up to six weeks after the procedure. The next day after the procedure, you can wash your hair with maximum delicacy. A wet head should not be wiped with a towel or hair dryer. Tiny scabs formed during treatment heal quickly and should fall off on their own after a week. At the healing stage, slight redness and itching may appear. However, it is recommended not to comb the area after treatment, so as not to irritate the skin. After two weeks, hair loss also occurs, which should not be feared. This is completely normal. New hairstyle they begin to grow after two to four months. In the following months, their intensive growth and strengthening takes place.

Contraindications for hair transplant procedure

Although the method of hair transplantation FUE is one of the least invasive and safe, there are some limitations in its capabilities. Treatment cannot be if you suffer from a bleeding disorder and are prone to bleeding. Another case in which the possibility of starting a procedure should be excluded is inflammatory diseases of the scalp, advanced diabetes mellitus or an allergy to local anesthetics used during the procedure. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure for people suffering from focal alopecia. An obstacle to the transplant procedure may also be the general unsatisfactory condition of the patient or, in the case of women, hormonal disorders.