» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Foue Arthas transplant

Foue Arthas transplant

Hair loss is the scourge of many women, but not only - this problem affects more and more men. There are many reasons for excessive hair loss and the key is to find the right cause to prevent hair loss. It is worth remembering the right care and home procedures that help moisturize, nourish and strengthen our hair. It is also worth taking a closer look at the contents of our plate. It is very important to provide the body with enough vitamin A, which will make our strands strong and thick, biotin to prevent baldness and vitamin D, because its deficiency leads to excessive hair loss. Therefore, our menu should include dairy products, almonds, spinach and nuts. Unfortunately, not all causes of baldness will be helped by appropriate supplements - cancer, burns, drugs. Transplantation is becoming an increasingly popular method of restoring a flawless image and hair reconstruction. We have a large selection of hair transplants on the market and one of the most innovative and safest solutions is the Fue Artas transplant.

What are the causes of hair loss?

The unsightly problem that many Poles face can have different causes. The most common causes include:

  • Hormonal disorders. Men between the ages of XNUMX and XNUMX years, women after the birth of a child or during menopause are especially at risk. The changes taking place in our body need to be stabilized, because even the correct intake of supplements and the use of external cosmetics may not be able to cope with the problem.
  • Inadequate diet. Many people don't pay attention to what ends up on our plate, which unfortunately leads to vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Our menu should be rich in products containing protein, amino acids, iron and zinc. Also, if we are losing weight, we should eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and seeds so that the loss of unnecessary kilograms is not associated with excessive hair loss.
  • Improper care. Usually it is our daily activities that disturb the structure of our hair too much. Tying them in a bun or ponytail too tight, forcibly combing them, or frequently coloring them can lead to excessive shedding. They also do not tolerate the effects of high temperatures during drying, straightening or curling and the excessive use of stylistic preparations for this purpose - they not only make our strands heavier, but also make them very dry.
  • Stress. This has a negative effect on our scalp, even if it is short-lived. A way should be found to defuse bad emotions, as this leads to thinning of the hair and makes it very weak.
  • Thyroid problems. If we suffer from hypothyroidism, our strands in many cases become very thin and weak and fall out. However, with hyperactivity, many people suffer from alopecia areata or alopecia areata. Even with the applied treatment, the collagen sheath weakens, leading to hair loss.
  • Smoking
  • Medicines used. Often, as a result of long-term use of medications, such as antithyroid drugs for the heart, our fibers are significantly weakened under stress. The same thing happens with chemotherapy, although it depends on the person and the dose of the drug they take. Unfortunately, our strands do not always grow back where they fell out.

What is a Fue Artas transplant?

One of the most modern hair transplantation methods, Fue Artas is one of the most innovative procedures performed by both women and men all over the world. Within a few years it has become more and more popular in Poland, the service is offered by an increasing number of clinics. It is mainly used by people who have the problem of baldness, regardless of its origin - after an illness, treatment, alopecia areata and many others. The condition of our hair, its structure and color also do not matter, anyone can undergo a course of treatment. During the procedure, the presence of the Artas robot, which works on the basis of an artificial intelligence algorithm, is indispensable. Thanks to him, the whole process is carried out at a fast pace and extremely efficiently. The robot very carefully scans the scalp looking for the best groups of hair follicles, then punctures the area with hundreds of microscopic punctures where the hair follicles will be implanted. The course of the procedure itself and the most important decisions are made by a specialist. Increasingly, Fue Artas hair transplantation is said to be unparalleled and irreplaceable, all thanks to an extremely intelligent device. What is important, the method practically does not burden our body. Therefore, it can be used not only by people going bald due to hormonal causes, but it is also safe for those who have lost their hair due to burns, cancer, and various chronic health problems. How does he stand out and can he really be trusted in the same way as a doctor who has performed almost all procedures so far? Of course, its phenomenon mainly lies in the fact that it does not damage the hair follicles when harvested, it is minimally invasive and safe. It does not leave marks on the scalp, which is why it is so often chosen by men and women with short hair - they do not have to worry about an unsightly appearance after returning from the clinic. It is also known that the robot does not get tired, unlike a human, making the whole process extremely fast and efficient.

Fue Artas hair transplant benefits include:

  • natural effect and fast recovery period, thanks to which we can quickly return to daily activities
  • no risk of damage to hair follicles and interference with the hair structure
  • lack of seams and any unsightly changes in appearance
  • patients do not complain of pain in the back of the head, and therefore health problems after the procedure
  • reproduction of the natural hairline, as well as their uniform distribution
  • the procedure is completely painless due to the local anesthesia used
  • patient comfort and significantly reduced treatment time
  • thanks to the use of the device, the doctor does not get tired so quickly, which leads to greater efficiency.

Duration of the procedure

This is a variable value depending on the number of transplanted follicular units, so it may take several or even several hours, this is a purely individual matter. Obviously, working with the Artas robot is much more efficient and faster than with the traditional manual method. What makes Fue Artas hair transplant different from other hair transplants that have been on the market for many years? People who decide to undergo treatment often have concerns about their image - they do not know how they will look when their hair grows back, whether the effect will be satisfactory and whether we will like it. In response to consumer expectations, a 3D model of the patient's head is created during the pre-procedure consultation. So don't worry - if we want to see what effects we can expect in a few months, here we have everything shown as in the picture.

Recovery period

Wound healing usually takes 2-3 days, experts recommend sleeping in a reclining position the first night after transplantation so that the head is slightly elevated. It is a good habit not to touch or scratch the scalp to prevent possible irritation. In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, it is worth buying an ointment or a drug that speeds up wound healing. It is recommended to wash your hair with cosmetics only on the fifth day after the procedure, after rinsing the strands several times with warm water.

Is Fue Artas Hair Transplant Worth It?

Very soon after the treatment, only the bulbs remain in the scalp. Hair grows back for at least six months. The method is practically non-invasive and does not require suturing. Therefore, after a recovery period of 2-3 days, the scalp heals completely, and we do not have to give up our work or daily activities. There are no contraindications when it comes to how they are styled, cared for, or even wanted to paint them a different color. It is worth adding that the method is completely painless, which distinguishes it from other popular transplantation methods. Until now, the procedure has been associated with prolonged and unpleasant wound healing and repair of damaged tissues, even with the use of anesthesia. The work of the Artas robot is very precise, performed under local anesthesia. What's more, we don't feel any pain - we can easily spend some time during the procedure reading the newspaper or playing a phone game. Therefore, it is already customary to say that with this method of hair transplantation, we do not feel the slightest pain during the transplantation process and during the recovery period.