» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Phue method - what are its advantages

Phue method - what are its advantages

Healthy and strong hair is an indicator of attractive people who take care of themselves. What if we begin to notice that our own do not fit this description at all; become weaker, thinner and start to fall out excessively? What are the causes of hair weakness and alopecia? Diet, stress, medication? Or maybe the reason for this is deeper and the cause of problems with hair loss is a disease? Is it possible to somehow fix this and stop this seemingly inexorable process? There are more ways out of this situation than it seems; Thanks to the constant development of science and technology, we can take advantage of the many available methods to combat baldness. Just start!

There are many reasons for baldness problems and almost always they point to deeper problems - therefore, they should not be ignored, but urgently contact a specialist, preferably a trichologist, who will be able to recognize the situation we are dealing with and deal with it. respectively. In a situation where excessive hair loss is irreversible, there is always the option of a hair transplant. The procedures carried out today in professional aesthetic medicine offices are able to guarantee lush, natural hair, without visible scars and the need for painful rehabilitation. Below we will look at the stereotypes about baldness that are still inherent in the public consciousness, what are the causes of hair loss and, finally, what is the modern and extremely popular FUE transplantation.

Stereotypes about excessive hair loss

Despite the growing awareness of the causes of hair loss, there are still many stereotypes about it.

First, it is the belief that baldness only affects the male sex. Indeed, according to statistics, men are more likely to show baldness. However, women are also increasingly experiencing the problem of excessive hair loss. The causes, as in the case of the male part of the population, can be very diverse, from hormonal problems, through malnutrition, and ending with the so-called androgenetic alopecia. Regardless of gender, in the event of a noticeable weakening of the hair, it is always worth contacting a specialist who will identify the source of the problem and help carry out the appropriate treatment.

Another stereotype regarding excessive hair loss is the belief that it is associated with progressive old age. Many people perceive the problem of baldness as a "natural sequence of things" and do nothing to identify its source. This is wrong thinking for two main reasons: First, baldness doesn't just happen to older people. Increasingly, there are situations when a significant amount of hair falls out in very young people. Secondly, situations where the hair becomes weak and begins to fall out gradually are often symptoms of undiagnosed health problems and should not be ignored. Therefore, if we notice the symptoms of baldness, we should consult a trichologist, a scalp and hair specialist, who will help us determine the source of the problem.

Causes of hair loss

As we have already mentioned, there are many causes of weakness and excessive hair loss. The specialist will be able to correctly recognize which of the problems applies to us and apply the appropriate treatment. The causes of baldness can be:

  • Wrong diet

Our nutrition has a huge impact on the state of our body, including its elements such as skin, nails and hair. It is very important to maintain a healthy and beautiful hairstyle to consume the right amount of well-balanced food, rich in all kinds of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. A very common cause of hair weakness is the use of slimming, low-calorie diets that are extremely restrictive of one of the nutrients (for example, a low-protein diet). Remember that the introduction of such restrictive diets will affect our health and the condition of our hair. By following a diet adapted to our needs, we will be able to stop the process of excessive hair loss.

  • Medications taken

Often the causes of excessive hair loss are medications that we take every day. Some medications that can help weaken the hair structure also include certain thyroid medications and anticoagulants. Some women who take hormonal contraceptives also experience progressive hair loss.

  • excessive stress

Stress is often called the silent killer. There is a reason, because in excessive amounts it has a huge impact on the functioning of our body. Prolonged stress, as well as stress caused by a strong, shocking event, can constrict blood vessels, which in turn leads to hair becoming weak, dull and, as a result, more and more fall out.

  • bad care

Overstyling, daily use of straighteners, curlers or hot air dryers, and choosing the wrong products can make our hair dry, brittle and weak. The right choice of cleansing and moisturizing cosmetics and limiting overstyling can restore their original shine and make them thick and strong again.

  • Diseases

The cause of weakness and hair loss can also be covered in certain diseases. Quite often there are diseases such as mycosis, seborrheic dermatitis or inflammation of the hair follicles. Androgenetic alopecia is very common in both men and women. This is a hereditary disease that occurs as a result of the increased sensitivity of the human body to DHT, a compound that is a derivative of the hormone testosterone. Increased hair loss can be one of the symptoms of a disease called systemic lupus. Common causes of the disease are also anemia (the so-called anemia - the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin from red blood cells is not enough for proper tissue oxidation) and thyroid diseases. Hypothyroidism causes thinning and hair thinning, while hyperthyroidism can cause alopecia areata or generalized alopecia.

FUE method - what is it?

In most cases, when it starts working early enough, the hair can be saved and restored to its former shine. However, sometimes it happens that the process of falling out cannot be stopped. What can you do then? One way to get lush hair is to go through the FUE method.

The FUE method is an acronym for Follicular Unit Extraction. No wonder it is one of the most popular hair transplant methods. This treatment is very different from other hair loss treatments available on the market. In the past, treatment consisted of cutting out a skin flap from which grafts were later obtained. This procedure left a large, unsightly scar that was difficult to hide. Fortunately, this problem is now in the past. Currently, hair follicle syndromes are correctly selected. They are collected only from the donor area, and the traces of the procedure are so small that no one will see them. There is also no need for seams. The FUE procedure is usually performed by a very experienced doctor, but more and more often it is performed by a machine - a special robot ARTAS, with the assistance of a specialist doctor. This guarantees the accuracy of manufacturing and special protection of the hair follicles from damage to their structure. FUE-treated hair becomes thick and strong, while the hairstyle looks very natural.

Recommendations and course of the procedure

The FUE method is especially recommended for people suffering from advanced androgenetic alopecia. Sometimes it's too late for a cure, so a hair transplant is an alternative method to keep your hair healthy and full. Before the procedure, you should consult with a doctor at the clinic of aesthetic medicine. In addition to examining the hair follicles and possible dermatological treatment, the specialist will conduct a detailed interview, discussing issues such as previous diseases, lifestyle, diet and medications taken. The details of the procedure will then be presented; where the hair follicles will be collected and transplanted and how the final result should look like (3D visualization). Before the procedure, the staff will shorten the hair over the entire head to a height of about 1,2 mm. The procedure itself takes 4 to 8 hours. Thanks to local anesthesia, you will not feel any pain or discomfort. If the FUE method is performed by the ARTAS robot, the identification and selection of hair follicle ensembles takes place automatically. After that, the robot makes punctures in the recipient area; the distance, angle and depth of the punctures are controlled by the doctor and the implantation itself. We can be sure that the end result will look natural and will not stand out against the background of the usual, normal look of our hair.

Postoperative rehabilitation does not require much effort, but there are some details that should be taken care of and that your doctor will tell you about. On the first day after the procedure, try to go to bed in a semi-sitting position so that your head is slightly elevated. You should also use ointments that will significantly speed up the healing process. Do not scratch or touch the scalp where the transplanted hair is. Five days after the procedure, the scalp should be washed with warm water 2-3 times a day, and after ten days, you can start washing your hair with special cosmetics recommended by a specialist. However, avoid using a hair dryer and let it dry naturally. In the process of washing, gently massage the skin with your fingertips. Most doctors also recommend temporarily giving up active physical activity and sexual activity.

The FUE method is one of the most effective and most frequently chosen options for baldness. The end results exceed the expectations of even the most demanding patients.