» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » LPG endermology - spring time for massage

LPG endermology - spring time for massage

Spring is the time when we start taking care of our body more intensively, preparing it for the holidays. One of the problems that always worries almost all women is cellulite and, unfortunately, it is difficult to get rid of it with home methods. Fortunately, lpg-endermology comes to the rescue - a massage procedure, after which we not only feel great, but also lose weight by a few terrible cellulite folds.

It turns out that almost all the complexes that we encounter on a daily basis are caused by a negative perception of our own body. We usually consider too many kilograms as a disadvantage of our appearance, as well as cellulite and low elasticity, sagging skin. happily Thanks to the progress of aesthetic medicine, such complexes can now be effectively eliminated.. Today is the best beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics offer us, among other things, LPG endermological treatment. Vacuum massage that effectively slims and firms the skin. It is worth familiarizing yourself with its details, so we recommend that you read this article further.

What is LPG Endermology?

Endermology, or vacuum massage, is becoming an increasingly popular procedure all over the world. All thanks to the fact that it effectively slims and tightens the skin in a short time. LPG Endermologie combines traditional massage with negative pressure, so its slimming effect is more noticeable.. Fat metabolism is activated and most often remains resistant to restrictive diets or exercise.

In addition, endermology also stimulates tissues to increase the production of collagen and elastin. It is these two natural substances that are responsible for leveling and preventing the formation of the so-called orange peel.

During the treatment, fibroblasts are activated, which leads to a better growth of longitudinal collagen and elastin, and also accelerates the process of lipolysis. This method combines the action of roller massage and dosed vacuum. The working head of the device used for processing, with two completely independent drive rollers, produces a so-called "Vacuum Wave", which propagates forward, backward, sideways or diagonally using a self-powered head. The procedure is maintained continuously or in the form of transient pulses, depending on which program we choose for this.

An interesting fact is that, although until recently, endermology was mainly used in areas of the body where the largest amount of fat has accumulated. Today, you can use this type of massage on almost any part of the body and expect really positive results. This procedure is widely used on the whole body, thanks to which it is possible to obtain proportional and at the same time really optimal results of modeling the figure.

How is the lpg endermological treatment performed?

People who want to enjoy endermological treatments should first have a consultation. Each cosmetologist confirms that a detailed history and assessment of the skin condition is necessary in order to exclude contraindications and order an individual schedule for the number and frequency of this type of massage. The massage itself does not require special preparation. Special clothing must be worn.

The procedure is carried out using an electronic device equipped with a special nozzle in the form of a roller. It rolls the skin, due to which it acts not only on the outer parts of the skin, as with a standard massage, but also on the internal tissues. Stimulates blood circulation, reduces cellulite, increases collagen production and improves metabolism. Each procedure takes an average of 45 minutes.

Lipomassage used in Endermologie LPG begins with putting on a special suit (endermowear), which increases the glide of the special massage head and protects the skin from damage. Based on the interview taken before the procedure, the specialist determines the appropriate parameters and intensity of the procedure. The procedure uses a special nozzle with two freely moving massage nozzles. LPG-endermology is an effective treatment combined with the positive effect of hypotensive massage. The work of hypotension can be continuous or rhythmic, depending on individual needs.

Treatment Frequency

The effect of endermological procedures can be seen already after the first massage in a professional beauty salon. The skin immediately becomes much smoother. However, in order to achieve complete success and be able to show off in the summer with an ideal figure in a bathing suit - without cellulite, it is best to decide on a series of procedures.

The best results of endermologie can be seen after a dozen or so treatments at regular intervals (to optimize the effect, it is recommended to perform treatments with a one-day break). To maintain endermology, it is worth carrying out reminiscent procedures at least several times a year.


This type of lymphatic drainage is beneficial to the body in a broad sense. Its positive effects include:

- weight loss;

- body shaping

- rejuvenation;

– visible reduction of cellulite;

- skin elasticity;

- oxygenation and cleansing of the skin from various deposits and contaminants;

- its action can be curative, especially analgesic;

- can have a relaxing effect on us.

The most impressive effects can be expected by people who decide to undergo endermological procedures regularly, at regular intervals.

It should be noted that LPG Endermologie in the fight against cellulite and fat reduction works even better when combined with other non-invasive and completely safe treatments. These include cryolipolysis or Accent radio wave treatment. Also, do not forget about exercise and a healthy diet.

Cellulite treatment and skin tightening without invasive procedures

Endermology is a scientifically proven therapeutic method developed by a French physiotherapist in 1986. LPG specializes exclusively in this technique and continues to develop this procedure, always based on sound medical research.

In this advanced body treatment, the therapy head is slowly applied to the body, the skin is lifted with little suction, and the connective tissues are also treated. The procedure is painless and very relaxing.

Thanks to the natural process of adipocytes (fat cells), the balance between fat production and fat breakdown is kept constant. Despite a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, fat accumulation can increase.

Lipomassage (fat tissue massage) activates lipolysis (fat metabolism) and reduces cellulite (orange peel). The weakness of the connective tissues will make the skin uneven; and you will most likely feel insecure and will not wear short dresses. Especially in the summer.

Get firmer skin and a better figure with high-tech techniques

Endermologie optimizes the tension of the skin and the shape of the body will be reshaped. Even with detoxification treatment, endermological surgery can play an important supporting role.

The latest methods of patented LPG treatments also activate the overall metabolism, improve local blood circulation four times compared to normal and tighten the skin. Applied endermology can be used to improve complexion, treat low-profile lower eyes, and treat the initial symptoms of a double chin. The result will be visible after the third session. However, we recommend starting with at least 10 treatments, 1-2 sessions per week. After the procedure, you will feel relaxed and full of unused energy.

Give your skin a deep massage!

The LPG Endermology Cellu treatment consists mainly of a deep massage. During the massage, the skin and underlying connective tissues are pulled in and rotated. This relaxes the connective tissue and loosens fatty deposits. Since the circulation of lymphatic fluid is also improved, waste is eliminated more quickly. It also improves the supply of oxygen to these cells. In addition, collagen production is stimulated. All this makes the skin smoother, softer and of better quality. The areas of your body that you have treated also become thinner. Endermology is not painful. The treatment is also very relaxing.

When should this treatment be used? As it turned out, endermology is useful for:

- cellulite, wherever it occurs;

- fat deposits on the hips and other parts of the body;

- flabbiness of the skin;

- swelling before or after liposuction.

Unfortunately, there are also some contraindications for endermology. These include, but are not limited to, the following situations:

- cold or flu;

- the presence of cancer;

- pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Endermology also does not work with many drugs: cortisone (hormonal ointments), aspirin, blood thinners, antibiotics, antidepressants.

Endermology and how we eat

Thanks to endermology, you can achieve excellent results. You just need to do something about it. For example, by adjusting your diet. The effects of endermology are destroyed, including, for example, coffee and sugary drinks and poor diet in general.. Birth control pills and menopause can also interfere with treatment. Negative emotions such as stress, sadness, or fear can make treatment less effective. If you book an endermology course, we expect you to be motivated to adapt things in these areas as well. Building procedures As a medicine, you undergo endermology. During the procedures you will wear a special suit. You can buy this costume from us once. Thus, you wear your own suit for each procedure. After about 35 minutes, the therapist massages the areas you want to treat. For example, back, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs or arms. During the first six to eight sessions, the therapist basically relaxes the layers of the skin. After these sessions, the skin may appear a little loose, but as the treatment progresses, the skin becomes firmer and firmer. From about the tenth procedure, you will see results. The first ten sessions you come to the salon twice a week. Each treatment will last approximately 72 hours, so we recommend that you plan for three days between treatments. Starting from the eleventh procedure, you will only come once a week. We recommend monthly maintenance treatment after surgery to maintain results.

Number of treatments required for best results

The number of treatments required for optimal results depends on the area you wish to treat and your weight. If you are heavier, you will need more treatments before you feel a difference. In general, about fifteen to twenty procedures are required to achieve a good result.

And if not LPG endermology? First, try lipomassage

In our office you can also use the usual massage. For this procedure, you will receive a special suit from us for which you will be charged a one-time fee. During this procedure, the therapist works for 20 minutes on one area of ​​your body. Since we are testing one area, you need fewer treatments to get a good result. Depending on the area and symptoms, you will need six to eight treatments to get rid of cellulite and make your skin noticeably more elastic.

A magic remedy that, with regular use, will save you from nightmares, that is, from cellulite? You thought that such things happen only in dreams or in fairy tales, but it turns out that this is really possible. Together with endermological treatment, you can get rid of all the problems that have bothered you for a long time. Try it today and see that your fight against cellulite can be much easier and more enjoyable than you think.. We invite you to professional lpg endermology treatment in our office. Put your body in the hands of a real specialist and discover the magical effects of this miraculous treatment! We give you a guarantee of satisfaction, and most importantly, the opportunity to get rid of all the complexes that have bothered you so far - priceless!