» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Facial lipofilling, or how to rejuvenate with your own fat!

Facial lipofilling, or how to rejuvenate with your own fat!

Lipofilling: liposculpture and face filling

Wrinkles. Sagging skin. Muscle relaxation. Loss of contour volume. All so many natural consequences are involved in the aging process. It's no secret that the more time passes, the more our subcutaneous tissues and our skin deteriorate. 

Fat injection, or fat injection, is one of the most popular techniques in the fight against the visible signs of aging. Why such a success? On the one hand, face lipofilling is a procedure, the action of which is fast and the efficiency is optimal. 

Secondly, the fat injection is autologous, meaning the transplanted fat is taken from you, which reduces the chance that the transplant will be rejected by the body.

Thirdly, it is a procedure that does not take much time, leaves no traces and does not require social eviction.

As a rule, lipofilling is used to correct the contours of the face and give them volume, as well as to smooth out scars and wrinkles on the face.

What is face lipofilling?

Also called liposculpture, lipofilling is an excellent anti-aging treatment. It can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures such as a facelift or (eyelid surgery).

Lipofilling is performed by a series of injections of adipose tissue taken from the patients themselves. Target ? Volume increase or filling of one or more parts of the face. Areas most affected by lipofilling: cheekbones, temples, nose, facial contour, chin (to add volume); nasolabial folds, dark circles, sunken cheeks (to treat wrinkles).

Briefly about lipofilling of the face

Facial lipofilling is performed under local anesthesia and performed on an outpatient basis. 

The first step is fat sampling. This is done by drawing a part of the body with a minimum of excess fat (buttocks, abdomen, knees, hips). 

The collected fat is then sent to a centrifuge for cleaning. After that, it is evenly injected into the treated area.

The return to your daily activities is immediate. 

Sometimes the procedure is repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

What is lipofilling used for?

As we age, we begin to lose fat in different parts of the face. In an effort to restore volume to these bald areas, liposculpture is an excellent solution to combat volume loss around the face.

Lipofilling of the face is a procedure of facial surgery, the purpose of which is:

- Restore the volume of the face.

- Change the shape of the cheeks and increase the cheekbones.

– Treatment of wrinkles and bitterness lines.

– Treat the brow bone.

The use of autologous injections has the advantage of avoiding the risk of rejection of the product by the body and is an excellent alternative to products of synthetic origin.

Who is face lipofilling indicated for?

Lipofilling is often used as a treatment for the loss of fat and volume that accompanies facial aging. Therefore, it is intended for people who want to solve this problem by increasing the volume of facial baldness.

To be a good candidate for a facelift, you must first be in good health. In case of a history or allergic reactions occurring after a previous operation, be sure to talk to your surgeon and provide him with a complete medical history.

That is why a preliminary assessment is necessary before the intervention. This assessment can be done in one or more consultations and requires a complete physical examination and several photographs.

What areas are affected by lipofilling of the face?

Facial lipofilling is a bulk filler used to reshape the contours of the face, treat areas that don't heal well, or even correct dimples in the skin that can occur after liposuction.

Injections can be done in different places that have lost volume. This means that you have the opportunity to carry out lipofilling at the level of:

  • Your lips.
  • your dark circles.
  • Your cheeks and cheekbones.
  • Your chin.
  • Your nasolabial folds.

What are the benefits of facial lipofilling?

The main advantage of fat injection is that it is a method that uses your own fat and therefore a natural material that is well tolerated by your body. Thus, it is an operation that poses little to no risk or danger to your health. 

The second advantage concerns results. Indeed, the results of facial liposculpture are usually immediate, long-lasting and natural.

The third advantage is the absence of pain accompanying the procedure. Indeed, face lipofilling is a painless procedure that causes only mild discomfort, which passes very quickly.

Can facial lipofilling pose a risk to your health?

Seldom. Infection can occur, but this case is very rare. The most common postoperative result of facial lipofilling is the appearance of edema at the injection sites. This swelling usually causes no complications and goes away on its own after a few weeks.

What are the different stages of facial lipofilling?

Preoperative stage:

This includes medical visits and consultations necessary to establish a diagnosis and decide on further treatment. A blood test, several medical photographs, and an anesthesiologist consultation are also required.

This step is often accompanied by the signing of an informed consent and a budget. You will also be informed, for example, to stop smoking one month before the intervention, stop taking aspirin and any anti-inflammatory drugs at least ten days before the intervention. You will also be advised to avoid any sun exposure during the days leading up to the lipofilling.


Facial lipofilling can be performed under general or local anesthesia. It depends on your preferences and doctor's recommendations.

The procedure lasts about 1 hour and is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so you will be back home the same day!

How is face lipofilling performed?

The surgeon begins by aspirating fat for injection. This is done with a very thin cannula by tapping on the donor area. The collected fat is then centrifuged to remove all impurities.

This is followed by the process of introducing fat, which is done directly into the area (areas) to be replenished. The surgeon then begins massaging the injection sites to ensure a good distribution of the fat. This guarantees a natural result that meets your expectations. Finally, a dressing is applied to both the donor and injected areas so that they can heal well.

Postoperative stage:

What are the postoperative consequences of facial lipofilling?

  • Bruising in both donor and recipient areas. These bruises may be accompanied by numbness. 
  • The appearance of edema, which disappears after a few days.
  • A transfusion may be required, but this is very rare.
  • At first, the contour of the face may appear uneven due to swelling of the face. Everything gets better when the swelling goes away.

What special care is recommended?

  • Social eviction lasts from a week to ten days.
  • The resumption of physical activity is carried out at the end of the 3rd week after the intervention.
  • The resumption of professional activities occurs after one to two weeks, depending on the nature of the work performed.
  • You will be prescribed ointments for bruising.
  • In the early days, it is recommended to avoid sitting or lying on the donor and recipient areas.
  • Massage sessions can be scheduled for better healing and excellent results optimization.
  • The final result is usually visible from the 4th month.

What results can be expected from face lipofilling?

Getting satisfactory results depends primarily on the choice of your surgeon. If the latter is good, you will see a noticeable improvement as soon as you leave the operating room. And this result will continue to improve over the next 3-6 months, after which you can finally enjoy the final result.

It should be noted that a second intervention may be required. Indeed, it is impossible to introduce a large amount of fat in one operation (not to mention the fact that there is always a resorption of some of the injected fat), and that the face requires more filling.

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