» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Lifting threads - quick effect

Lifting threads - quick effect

    system no. PDO were created in South Korea, then it was noticed that they had a beneficial effect on fabrics. Acupuncture threads visibly strengthen the muscles and tendons of the body. At the very beginning, they were used only in skin and subcutaneous sutures in plastic surgery, urology, ophthalmology, gynecology and gastroenterology. A few years later, the thread system began to be used in aesthetic medicine. Currently, they are widely used and are often chosen in countries such as the USA, Russia, Brazil, Japan. For some time now, they can also be found in aesthetic medicine clinics in our country. Treatment with threads fingers is becoming an increasingly popular method of skin rejuvenation in Poland.

    With the help of a thread, you can quickly lose a few years, give the skin elasticity, tighten it or correct appearance imperfections caused by the aging process. Thread system PDO however, this is not recommended in all cases. This procedure is an excellent tool used in precision surgical operations. It doesn't work all the time like the synthetic threads or gold threads used a few years ago. Thread system PDO it is acquired in 2 years. This is a very important question, because the pattern of the face is constantly changing, and after a few years, the placed threads can change their location. The threads placed under the skin of the patient stimulate the natural regenerative mechanisms of the skin and strengthen its structure.

    The skin tightening procedure with absorbable threads is an excellent alternative to the classic facelift, which is a very serious surgical operation and requires a lot of intervention. During it, the surgeon has to cut off pieces of skin, while the patient needs a long recovery after the procedure. A thread liftingguyce strengthen, regenerate, tighten and correct facial features. They are made of absorbable materials, so they do not cause autoimmune reactions. They dissolve for a period of 1 to 1,5 years, it all depends on the material from which they were made. Their length varies between 5-10 cm. Some of them are quite smooth, there are also threads with cones or hooks. They are used on the face and body. Thanks to them, you can tighten the skin on the neck, abdomen, décolleté, strengthen the chest or tighten the buttocks.

What are themes liftingguyce and how do they work?

nor liftingguyce These are very short and thin threads that are inserted under the skin to create a kind of scaffold to improve skin tension. They were made from polydioxanewhich is an active substance that dissolves under the skin in a completely natural way. The task of the thread is to stimulate the synthesis of natural hyaluronic acid, accelerate the production of new collagen, and also stimulate fibroblasts to produce elastin (it is responsible for skin elasticity). Thanks to them, the skin in the following days becomes more elastic and smooth.

Who are the threads for? liftingguyce?

Treatment with these threads is especially recommended for people aged 30 to 65 who are struggling with skin laxity, sagging tissue, loss of skin volume, or have noticed asymmetry or shape in a particular area. bodies or faces that are not well represented. The product and technique is selected individually for the patient and depends on the selected area, type of correction, the age of the patient and the condition of his skin. Patient preferences are also taken into account.

Indications for the procedure with the use of threads lifting primarily:

  • crow's feet
  • smoker's wrinkles
  • sagging tissues in the jaw, cheeks and chin
  • loose skin in the décolleté, chest, arms, abdomen, thighs, face
  • facial asymmetry
  • protruding auricles
  • uneven structure of subcutaneous tissue and skin
  • unbalanced or drooping eyebrows
  • transverse wrinkles of the neck and forehead

What does the procedure using the thread system look like?

Before the procedure, the patient is under local anesthesia. The pain that occurs when the thread is inserted under the skin is associated with skin punctures. After the procedure, the patient may feel pain at the site of the inserted threads and the entire area when pressing on the tissue or touching it. There may also be a slight swelling of the tissues, pain due to a sharp turn of the head or facial movements. Immediately after the procedure, the skin may turn slightly red, usually this condition persists for 5 hours. In each case, after the end of the procedure, the patient develops swelling and bruising, they increase individually for each patient. All symptoms disappear within one to two weeks. If the threads are applied under the thin skin of the neck, they may be slightly visible until completely dissolved. Patients can also feel them under the skin. There are very rare cases of piercing a thread of skin, then the doctor has to cut off the protruding part of the thread or remove it completely. There may be a small indentation at the puncture site. As with all other aesthetic medicine procedures, the procedure may result in too little or too much correction. All possible complications disappear with time, they do not have permanent consequences, they are only the most natural phenomenon after the procedure.

Recommendations after the procedure

If you develop severe swelling and a rash, you should take the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. For about 15-20 days after the procedure, laser procedures, peelings or massages at the places where the threads are inserted should not be performed. Intense physical activity is also dangerous, as it can dislodge the threads in the skin.

Thread system effect

The patient can notice the first effects of the procedure immediately after its completion. However, it should be borne in mind that the formation of new collagen begins 10-14 days after treatment and will continue for the next months. Visible improvement occurs in about 2-3 months. Thanks to the new collagen, the skin becomes toned, elastic, and the tissues are tightened. Rejuvenating leaf treatment lifting this is not the easiest, so it is very important that it is performed by an experienced surgeon.

Is this method completely safe?

Yes, because the threads used PDO made from polydioxane, i.e. a substance often used in medicine, especially for subcutaneous and skin sutures. It is an excellent antidote for skin imperfections caused by age. Perfectly fights against all nasolabial folds, smoker's wrinkles or sagging cheeks. Thread system PDO has a CE medical safety certificate and is approved for use throughout the European Union, which confirms its high safety.

Is the procedure very painful and leaves bruises?

The procedure is completely painless, since ten minutes before it, the patient is injected with an anesthetic cream under the skin. The occurrence of bruises largely depends on the skill and skill of the doctor, as well as the location of the thread itself. liftingguyce. Certain areas of the skin are particularly delicate and are more likely to bruise. Usually, even if there are bruises or swelling on the skin, they are very small and every woman can easily hide them with makeup. All bruising and swelling disappear within 2 weeks. The big advantage of the treatment is that it lasts very short, up to a maximum of 60 minutes, and does not affect the patient's facial features in any way. Therefore, the so-called artificial mask effect is absent. This method does not require a scalpel or a long recovery period. The procedure guarantees the effect of a very beautiful face oval and smoothing of any wrinkles within ten minutes.

How long does the treatment effect last?

The effect of the treatment is immediately visible, but the process neocolagenesis it will start about 2 weeks after the introduction of the thread, and then we can notice the best results. The biggest benefit of threads is their long-term stimulation of cells to produce new collagen. The effect of the treatment lasts up to 2 years.

Possible complications after the introduction of the thread lifting

Complications mainly include skin irritation and inflammation at the injection site. Sometimes side effects occur, such as slight bruising, a rash, or, in rare cases, a rash. Swelling in the facial area can also be caused by anesthesia. In the first days after the introduction of the thread lifting under the skin, if the patient does not limit facial expressions, the likelihood of dislocation of the thread increases. As a result, an unintended effect may be obtained or no effect of the treatment will be noticeable. It is worth knowing that the threads do not tolerate tissue overheating, so procedures using radio waves or lasers should be avoided, as they can lead to their faster dissolution. Also, don't exercise too hard.

Thread contraindications lifting under the skin

There are no special contraindications to the use of the threads themselves. lifting. However, there are common objections to aesthetic medicine procedures. These include, among others:

  • autoimmune diseases
  • inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
  • adhesions and fibrosis in the skin and subcutaneous tissue
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • mental disorders
  • skin clotting disorders
  • epilepsy

    Another contraindication to skin rejuvenation with this method is also anticoagulant treatment, but it can be stopped 2 weeks before the planned treatment.

The price of skin rejuvenation with the use of lifting threads

    The price of the procedure depends on the type of thread, the selected part of the body and the number of threads used. It can vary from a few hundred PLN to PLN 12000 and above. The cost of treatment is also determined individually for this office.