» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Laser liposuction - quick result

Laser liposuction - quick results

    Laser liposuction is a modern and innovative procedure that allows you to remove unnecessary fat that leads to violations of the correct figure. This method is minimally invasive, which leads to fewer complications, and the recovery period is extremely fast, unlike traditional liposuction. This modern treatment has been developed and approved for use over the past ten or so years. During it, a high-energy laser beam is used, which does an excellent job of tearing adipose tissue. This does not give a significant weight loss, but helps to achieve the figure of your dreams.

What is laser liposuction?

This procedure uses a laser to directly destroy fatty tissue. In clinics, this method uses special tips, the diameter of which is only a few hundred millimeters. The tips are inserted by piercing the skin, making a scalpel unnecessary for this procedure. Therefore, there is no need to cut the skin to insert the thick metal tip that is used in the traditional procedure. After removing the cannula, the hole will close by itself, there is no need to sew up. The healing process is much shorter than in the case of a wound. Zabegovey. The use of laser to get rid of adipose tissue in a patient is based on 2 phenomena. Firstly, it is the ability of a high-energy beam to destroy adipose tissue and amorphous connective tissue between adipose tissues. After tissue rupture, the released fat is sucked off from the treatment site. The rest is absorbed into the lymphatic vessels. In one procedure, you can suck 500 ml of fat. The second phenomenon in this method is the warming effect. Due to the release of energy under the skin, tissues are heated, which has a very good effect on blood circulation and speeds up metabolism for a certain period of time. Then, fat burning is enhanced, blood supply to the skin improves, which additionally has a positive effect on its metabolism, elasticity and ability to regenerate. Collagen fibers are reduced and their production is increased.

When is laser liposuction recommended?

Laser liposuction is chosen primarily to remove residual fat that has accumulated in places that cannot be reduced through exercise and the introduction of an appropriate diet. Such places include the abdomen, chin, thighs, buttocks and arms. It also depends on individual circumstances. Laser liposuction is also recommended for patients who have already undergone classical liposuction, but would like to improve its effect in some selected areas. Laser liposuction is used primarily in hard-to-reach places during traditional liposuction, i.e. back, knees, neck, face. Laser liposuction also solves the problems of patients with saggy skin after weight loss or cellulite. Then, along with this procedure, thermal liftingwhich affects the firmness and contraction of the skin, it also becomes visibly elastic. This method removes all the irregularities of the skin from the skin, making it rejuvenated and noticeably smoother.

What does the laser liposuction procedure look like?

The procedure of laser liposuction is always performed under local anesthesia, its duration is from 1 to 2 hours, it all depends on the size of the area subjected to this method. surgeon in progress lipolysis makes small incisions, especially in places of skin folds, then the patient's scars are not visible at all. Through incisions under the skin, optical fibers are introduced, their diameter is usually 0,3 mm or 0,6 mm, which should be located in the area of ​​unnecessary adipose tissue to be removed. The laser emits radiation that causes the destruction of the cell membranes of fat cells, and the triglycerides included in their composition become liquid. When a large amount of emulsion is formed, it is sucked out during the procedure, but in most cases it undergoes metabolism and excretion by the body itself within a few days from the moment of the procedure. After fat removal, the patient can return to daily activities almost immediately, a few hours after liposuction. He can return to full activity in 1-2 days, but he should not jump straight into vigorous exercise. You should wait about 2 weeks with intense activity. The energy sent by the laser has an excellent effect on the cells of adipose tissue, fibroblasts are stimulated, which are responsible for the production of collagen. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and tension of the skin, making it supple and supple. Over the years, the number of collagen fibers becomes less and less, so the main goal of the treatment is to stimulate natural processes that counteract the processes. aging leather. The beams emitted by the laser additionally close the small blood vessels damaged during liposuction. Thus, this method is a bloodless way of rejuvenation and does not have a large number of complications. The rays reduce swelling of the skin and bruising of its layers, as well as reduce the pain that occurs immediately after the procedure.

Treatment Effects

The effect is noticeable within a few days after liposuction. The patient may notice, first of all, a decrease in the volume of adipose tissue and an improvement in the figure or contour of the face. The condition of the skin is also improving. Person to be surrendered lipolysis, you will definitely feel an improvement in the blood supply to the skin, an increase in its elasticity and firmness. The surface of the epidermis will definitely smooth out, and auxiliary procedures will help reduce cellulite. Commonly used helper procedure endermology, that is, the so-called lipomassage. For this method, a special nozzle with rollers is used, which temporarily tightens the skin, which increases its blood supply. Endermology it also improves lymph flow. Laser liposuction allows you to adjust the shape of the body and improve skin condition. However, it should be borne in mind that no treatment will bring an ideal effect if the patient does not follow the correct diet and is physically active.

How can I prepare for the procedure?

Procedure lipolysis The laser is usually performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not need to fast. However, you must remember to stop taking any substance that can interfere with blood clotting 2 weeks before the proposed liposuction. At the first medical consultation, the patient will be thoroughly informed about all the recommendations before treatment.

What tests should be done before lipolysis laser?

This method gives satisfactory results in many places, however, the best results are achieved in cases such as:

Patients usually require one treatment. Each session lasts from 45 minutes to an hour for each area treated. Liposuction is also used to improve areas where other procedures have been performed.

Laser liposuction can correct any imperfections left by the classic liposuction procedure.

After the end of the procedure, the patient is transferred to the postoperative ward, where he remains until the anesthetics given to him before the procedure cease to work. In a few hours he can leave the center. Local anesthesia eliminates the possibility of side effects that occur with general anesthesia, such as malaise or nausea. Immediately after the procedure, the patient may experience slight tissue swelling, bruising, or numbness in the areas treated with this method. All these symptoms disappear a few days after liposuction. The swelling disappears in a week. After liposuction, the doctor gives the patient special instructions on how to proceed after the procedure. Proper treatment after laser liposuction is to maximize its effect and reduce the risk of possible complications. The doctor will also determine the dates of follow-up visits after surgery.