» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Who goes bald and why most often?

Who goes bald and why most often?

Every day we lose hair, about 70 to 100 individual pieces, and new ones grow in their place. This is due to the fact that the period of their growth usually lasts from 3 to 6 years, followed by a gradual death and loss. However, you should be concerned about losing more than 100 a day, which lasts for several weeks. Alopecia is a common problem that affects not only the elderly, but also young people and even children. It is also not a problem that only affects men as women also struggle with it. Alopecia excessive hair losswhich may be intermittent, long-term, or even permanent. It manifests itself in various forms: from thinning of the hair over the entire surface to the appearance of bald patches on the top of the head, which eventually spread to other parts. This can lead to a permanent condition in which the hair follicle stops producing hair. Such an ailment is often the cause of malaise and complexes, and in extreme cases even depression. In order to prevent this process, special attention should be paid to the care of the scalp. The hair should be washed gently, paying particular attention to the upper part, and appropriate shampoos should be used to prevent dandruff and excessive oiliness of the skin. These common problems can also affect the condition of our hair, so they should be addressed as quickly as possible. You can also use specialized lotions and conditioners that will strengthen and improve the condition of our hair. When wiping them, one should maintain subtlety and sensitivity, as strong rubbing with a towel weakens them and pulls them out. It is also worth having a regular scalp massage as it stimulates the follicles to produce new creations and improves blood circulation.

Who is most commonly affected by hair loss?

The popular claim that men are more likely to experience baldness is true. However, this is not a drastic difference compared to women who make up approx. 40% suffering from excessive hair loss. It is estimated that every third man aged 25-40 begins to notice the first symptoms of baldness. Often, many teenagers are prone to developing this condition in the future. However, after age 50, this number increases to 60%. So, as you can see, more than half of men of mature age suffer from this disease. Its prevalence very often has a genetic basis, about 90% of cases are due to the influence of genes. Most often, thinning of hair at the temples and a characteristic bald patch appear in the early stages. Over time, baldness moves to the top of the head and the entire surface of the head. The reason why this problem occurs more often in the ugly sex is because of the higher amount of the male hormone in their body, i.e. testosterone. Its derivative DHT negatively affects the hair follicles, which leads to their weakening and loss. People who are more sensitive to its effects may lose their hair faster, and with it their self-confidence and a sense of attractiveness.

Many women who care for their hair like little girls are also susceptible to this unpleasant ailment. For them, it is a huge blow when one day they start losing hair in handfuls. Hormones also play an important role in the fair sex. Increased hair loss can also occur when estrogen levels drop, such as after pregnancy or stopping birth control pills. Alopecia most often affects women aged 20-30 years and during menopause, because during its course there are huge changes that the body has to adapt to. The cause of baldness can also be a deficiency of certain minerals, such as iron.

Why are we bald? Types of hair loss and its causes.

The process of baldness can take various forms: it can occur suddenly or be hidden, proceed quickly or slowly. Some changes can be reversed, while others unfortunately cause permanent damage to the hair follicle. Depending on the causes and course of hair loss, the following can be distinguished: types of hair loss:

  • Androgenetic alopecia it is called "male pattern baldness" because it is characterized by the absence of hair on the temples and crown. Although this is the prerogative of men, women can also experience it because their bodies also contain testosterone, a derivative of which, DHT, damages hair follicles. During the course of this disease, the hair becomes thinner and becomes more sensitive to external factors. It is the most common cause of hair loss as it is estimated that approximately 70% of men and 40% of women will suffer from it during their lifetime.
  • Telogen alopecia this is the most common form of latent hair thinning and cannot be affected from the start. This is due to the shortening of the hair growth phase, so more hair falls out than grows back. The causes of this disease are many: low-grade fever and fever, childbirth and the postpartum period, stress, trauma, accidents, operations. It can also occur in newborns, but in this case it is only a transient, physiological process;
  • Alopecia areata quite often affects young people, very often it can be observed in children. The course of the disease is damage to the hair follicles and hair loss. Characteristic bald spots appear on the head, which resemble pancakes, hence the name. The initial stages are most often seen in childhood, with subsequent symptoms appearing at every stage of life. The reasons for its formation are not fully known, there is a suspicion that it has an autoimmune basis. This means that the body recognizes the bulbs as foreign and tries to fight them off. Alopecia areata can also be a hereditary problem.
  • Scarring alopecia- it is the rarest type of alopecia causing irreversible and irreversible hair loss. Most often it affects women aged 30 to 50 years. Along with hair loss, smooth spots are formed that resemble scars in their structure. This alopecia is caused by a fungal, bacterial or viral infection. It can also be the result of certain diseases, such as herpes zoster, boils or skin cancer;
  • seborrheic alopecia occurs due to excess sebum. Untreated seborrhea can lead to hair loss, the course of which is similar to androgenetic alopecia.
  • natural baldness this most often occurs in older people because as time goes by, the bulb produces less and less hair and the life cycle of the hair is shorter. As a rule, men around the age of 50 suffer from it, and this is a natural process for the body. Most often, it covers the hair along the temple line and at the crown. This is caused by the instability of hormones called androgens.

External factors can also lead to hair loss, such as prolonged pressure caused by frequent headwear, heavy hairstyles, tight pin-ups, and tightly braided hair ties. In addition, sometimes people suffer from trichotillomania, i.e., they unconsciously pull, twist on their fingers and play with the hair, which leads to their weakening and, consequently, to loss. Hair loss is not always influenced by inherited genes, sometimes it can be caused by lifestyle and unhealthy habits. Alopecia can also be a symptom of other more serious conditions, so it should not be taken lightly and a specialist should be consulted immediately.

Fortunately now baldness it is not a problem that cannot be solved. For this reason, as soon as we notice even the slightest symptoms of excessive hair loss in the sky, it is worth going to зеркало. A specialist doctor will definitely select the appropriate method of prevention or treatment. The most important thing in this case is to respond quickly so that the baldness does not spread to further areas of the scalp. Depending on the factors that caused this ailment, you can recommend taking hormonal drugs, rubbing in products that strengthen the follicles, or simply eliminating external factors that affect the weakening of the hair, such as prolonged stress, poor diet or lifestyle. However, if the therapy does not bring the expected results, many patients decide to resort to the services of aesthetic medicine and hair transplantation. Implants, needle therapy and laser therapy are used to restore hair density. After performing such a procedure, self-confidence and self-esteem return to people. This is especially important for women, because hair is often an attribute that they take care of throughout their lives. Along with their loss, their self-esteem decreases, they feel unattractive and insecure, therefore, for your own physical and mental comfort, you should take care of your scalp and not be afraid to visit a trichologist, and, if necessary, an aesthetic medical salon.