» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Needle mesotherapy of the scalp

Needle mesotherapy of the scalp

Needle mesotherapy is a method of treating various diseases, which consists in the introduction of small doses of medicinal substances directly into the affected areas. Mesotherapy improves hair quality, prevents hair loss and even stimulates the growth of brand new hair.

Mesotherapy of the scalp will consist in sprinkling the skin with substances that stimulate growth and stop hair loss (mainly nutrients, vitamins and anti-inflammatory substances). A set of drugs is selected individually for the needs of a particular patient.

Health, diet and lifestyle have a big impact on the volume and appearance of our hair. Needle mesotherapy of the scalp is recommended mainly for people who have problems with alopecia and hair loss. Excessive hair loss is often a problem for both women and men. In general, young ladies are able to recognize the signs of baldness much faster and come to grips with such a problem much earlier than men. The effectiveness of this treatment in women is very satisfactory, however, it will take some time to achieve satisfactory results, often even up to several months.

It should be borne in mind that needle mesotherapy of the scalp can also be of a prophylactic nature.

Is hair needle mesotherapy painful?

Injections are made with a syringe with a thin needle every 0,5-1,5 cm or with a special gun designed for needle mesotherapy of the scalp. After treatment, traces remain on the skin in the form of a grid or dots, depending on the treatment method used. Traces after treatment may remain visible, depending on the selected drug - from 6 to 72 hours.

The injections are not very painful. If the patient has a low pain threshold, an anesthetic cream or spray can be used. After the procedure, a massage is performed, thanks to which the nutrients previously introduced into the scalp are distributed evenly. They are valid up to a month after the operation.

Needle mesotherapy – when and for whom?

Scalp mesotherapy procedures with needles are usually performed to improve the appearance of the hair and reduce the effects of hair loss. With this treatment, we can not only improve the condition of the hair, but also, for example, make completely new hair grow on the head.

For medical and aesthetic reasons, needle mesotherapy of the scalp is recommended for alopecia not only in men, but also in women. Injections of the scalp with healing, nourishing and regenerating substances can stop hair loss and stimulate hair follicles. In addition, it stimulates the growth of new hair. For needle mesotherapy of the scalp, for example, dexpanthenol and biotin are used, i.e. preparations and substances that promote the regeneration of the hair structure and stimulate the work of hair follicles. Substances injected during needle mesotherapy reach deeper layers of the skin, which significantly increases their effectiveness.

The procedure of needle mesotherapy of the scalp should be carried out sequentially every 2-3 days for at least one month.

How is the procedure of needle mesotherapy performed?

During needle head mesotherapy, a mixture of nutrients is injected into our skin with a microscopic needle. These substances are selected depending on the needs of a particular patient. As a rule, they contain substances such as, for example, vitamin A, C, E, hyaluronic acid or active substances obtained, for example, from green tea and algae.

Piercing the skin is definitely not a very pleasant procedure, therefore, in order to minimize discomfort, patients are given local anesthesia. As already mentioned, micro-punctures are made every 0,5-1,5 cm. We should use this type of treatment only in aesthetic medicine offices where the procedures are performed by doctors.

What are the contraindications for needle mesotherapy of the scalp?

Even though needle mesotherapy of the scalp is a regenerative procedure, it is not recommended for every person. If you want to improve the condition of your hair, fight against the resulting brittleness and thinning of the hair, it is recommended to do this. However, there are some contraindications for this type of surgery. They mainly concern pregnant and lactating women. Such treatment cannot help people suffering from herpes, diabetes, inflammation, skin infections, or allergies to the ingredients contained in the preparations. In the case of taking anticoagulants and tumor diseases, it will also be prohibited to use needle mesotherapy of the scalp.

Can needle mesotherapy of the scalp have side effects?

As the name suggests, needle mesotherapy of the scalp is performed using needles. They can cause various kinds of side effects and some inconvenience. Among the most common are bruises, hematomas and pain. After the operation, there may also be a severe allergic reaction or swelling at the site of the operation.

How often can needle mesotherapy of the scalp be performed?

Needle mesotherapy of the scalp gives stable and fast results, visible immediately after the procedure. Thanks to the properties of the active ingredients, the hair becomes voluminous, and the gap becomes less noticeable. To obtain satisfactory results, the scalp needle mesotherapy treatment should be repeated on average 3 to 6 times with an interval of about fourteen days. To maintain the effect of mesotherapy, it is recommended to repeat the treatment every few or several weeks. You must always remember that this is not a permanent treatment and will require repeating the cycle. Needle mesotherapy of the scalp is quite popular. People who have ever undergone the procedure are completely satisfied with its very fast effect. The results remain visible for a long time, which is why so many clients want to invest in needle mesotherapy for the scalp. This innovative method is becoming more and more proven and extremely popular method in the fight against hair loss and its poor condition.

Types of needle mesotherapy of the scalp

Currently, there are many different types of needle mesotherapy of the scalp, the meaning of which is absolutely the same, and therefore, in a short time, it helps to penetrate more nutrients into the scalp, where they are most needed, that is, into the hair follicles. The course and effects are also similar, differing only in the "device" used, i.e. technology that allows the ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin.

A great example is microneedle mesotherapy, where the needle is replaced with a dermapen or dermaroller, which are machines equipped with a dozen or several dozen microscopic needles that pierce the skin at the same time, while a nutrient-rich cocktail is injected under the skin. This. During the procedure, the integrity of the epidermis is violated, so this procedure can be classified as an invasive procedure.

It is also possible to distinguish non-invasive microneedle mesotherapy, without the need to break the continuity of the epidermis, during which various technologies are used to create microscopic holes through which nutrients are introduced. An example is the so-called electroporation, caused by an electrical impulse, which increases the permeability of the skin and allows the applied ingredients to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.

Very important!

For best results, you need to remember the principles of proper nutrition, avoiding unhealthy lifestyles, including physical activity. Our habits and the way we eat are reflected in the quantity and quality of our hair.

The wise decision is to nourish our hair from the inside and out through the mesotherapy of the scalp. Only this approach can guarantee maximum opportunities and pleasure to look at your own hair every time.

Rules for patients

Before the procedure of needle mesotherapy of the scalp:

  • do not dye your hair on the day of the procedure,
  • inform about intolerances and allergies,
  • inform about medicines taken on a regular basis,
  • do not use enzyme preparations and aspirin.

After the end of treatment:

  • daily scalp care can be resumed only two days after the procedure,
  • you cannot undergo X-ray, radiation and electrotherapy examinations within the next 3 days,
  • do not use hair sprays, creams or other styling products,
  • head massage can not be carried out within 24 hours,
  • you can not sunbathe for 48 hours,
  • It is not recommended to use the pool or sauna for 24 hours.