» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Perfect buttocks only from Vela Shape III

Perfect buttocks only from Vela Shape III

Taking care of our appearance, we pay a lot of attention to our body. This is our packaging and we must do our best to feel comfortable in it and take care of it properly, because the appearance of the body reflects our lifestyle. Although the canons of beauty were different and expectations regarding weight or body shape were not always indicated in terms of health, now we are seeing a penchant for strong and athletic bodies. The anorectic type has long gone down in history, as well as the other extreme - obesity, the golden days of admiration for which seem to be forgotten, which, of course, pleases doctors who warn against the consequences of both overweight and underweight. The era of a healthy figure has been going on for several years and nothing foreshadows its end. Athletic body, elastic skin, tightened buttocks, strong legs - this is what most of us strive for today. Undoubtedly, more and more people on the Internet are promoting a radical lifestyle to achieve such visual effects. Intense training, exercise, nutritional self-discipline - all this can be found on many profiles, browsing social networks. Then the question arises - is it possible to shorten the path and achieve all this much faster?

Diet and exercise - is it enough?

Proper nutrition is the key to success, every nutritionist will tell you, but a trainer in the gym will convince you that there is no better solution than perseverance in training. However, most of us live fast, often not finding enough time to train several times a week, and, unfortunately, пилатес from time to time, or a pool, spectacular effects will not be given immediately, in the beginning they will help keep the body in better condition, but it takes much longer to wait for visual effects. Women who have achieved their dream figure through exercise often emphasize the importance of patience and regular exercise. Nothing can be achieved without it. Working on the muscles requires determination, determination and striving for the goal, regardless of any moments of weakness. This is definitely a way to have a beautiful body, but it requires a lot of dedication and discipline.

A well-structured menu is definitely recommended for people whose goal is weight loss. Which one is correct? There is no single answer to this question, because how many cases, so many solutions. People who are allergic to these ingredients are not allowed to follow a diet based on them. Some people choose to forego certain foods for religious or philosophical reasons, such as diet. ketogenic not recommended for vegans, as it is based mainly on fats and proteins, including mainly animal origin. If they are deprived, it becomes extremely poor and additional feeding is required. Also, do not forget about the above exercises - losing weight without them based on the diet itself will look unsightly, because training increases the elasticity of the body and improves its shape, diets alone cannot do this, but dropping pounds, we can get loose skin. Then the question arises related to stretch marks and cellulite - will it disappear? Will it be minimally reduced? Unfortunately, there is no optimistic answer to this question. Exercise strengthens the body, it's true, but if someone's problem was extensive cellulite on the body, he must accept the fact that training will not change this diametrically. Cellulite is a genetically determined tendency for fat to accumulate abnormally under the skin tissue. This is most often seen in the places where this fat accumulates the most – thighs, thighs, forearms, abdomen and buttocks, which are a very important part of the body. body the advantage of femininity, slender and elastic attract the eye of our partner in lingerie, and in a bikini they look amazing if you take care of their figure correctly. Since we already know that it is encoded in the genes, the question arises, can we get rid of this cellulite at all, or are we doomed to it for life? Fortunately, in today's world, technology has advanced and finds solutions where none existed before. Persistent can be removed quickly and without radical exercises, the effectiveness of which is very unreliable and depends on each individual case. All you need is the right treatment.

Vela Shape - the conqueror of adipose tissue and cellulite

Kiedy słyszymy po raz pierwszy o nowym rozwiązaniu na rynku odnośnie do walki z kilogramami i cellulitem, czujemy jednocześnie podekscytowanie, ale i niepokój. Zastanawiamy się, czy gra jest warta świeczki, czy powinniśmy zaryzykować i dać szansę temu rewolucyjnemu wynalazkowi, czy dać sobie spokój. Reklamy takich sprzętów/suplementów/zabiegów istnieją od lat, nie dając klientom nic poza złudzeniami. Znając te techniki, jesteśmy wręcz uczuleni i zmęczeni tym, że ktoś kosztem naszego cierpienia chce zarobić pieniądze, wciskając nam produkt, ktory nie spełni naszych oczekiwań. Były pasy masujące, były gorsety ujędrniające, były też tabletki redukujące tłuszcz, wodę i nasz budżet. Można powiedzieć, że wszystko, co miało być skuteczne, a okazało się zbędne, już było i nie chcemy, żeby powracało. Widząc nowe reklamy w telewizji, szybko przełączamy na inny kanal. Jednak od lat istnieje zabieg wykorzystujący wysokiej jakości urządzenie, z którego korzystają same gwiazdy, mając do jego skuteczności ogromne zaufanie. Od niedawna dostępny jest również w Polsce, wnosząc renomę salonów piękności i spa na wyższy poziom. Mowa tutaj o VelaShape – wielofunkcyjnym urządzeniu i jednocześnie zabiegu, którego rezultaty zaskoczyły niejedną klientkę. Jest to innowacyjny sposób na eliminowanie cellulitu i shaping drawing, which is based on a combination of infrared light, modern and unique technologies radio frequencyas well as vacuum and mechanical massage. The use of all these elements at the same time allows us to non-invasively reduce the circumference of various parts of the body from 3 to 7 cm and reduce the cellulite visible on our skin. The idea and the patent for this device belong to an Israeli company Syneronwhich specializes in medical equipment. Thanks to the certificate FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) we have proven the safety and effectiveness of the procedure, which is carried out every day around the world about ten thousands of patients. This makes the procedure remarkable and undoubtedly trustworthy. How it works?

Unwanted cellulite and adipose tissue are the result of cells called adipocytes that accumulate triglycerides. If they are too large, they cause an increase in body circumference and damage to the skin structure. They make the fabric inelastic and also devoid of hardness. In order for cellulite reduction to become possible, it is necessary to reduce the size of adipocytes, and for this it is necessary to start the processes of synthesis in the skin and the processes of decomposition in the subcutaneous tissue. This means carrying out two completely opposite processes at different depths of the body. To do this, it is necessary to activate and activate lymphatic drainage. lipolysis in fat cells and increased blood circulation and fibroblast activity, whose role is based on the reconstruction of connective tissue. To this end, a procedure Sailing Form uses the following types of energy that affect the body: infrared light, radio frequency, vacuum massage and mechanical massage. The task of infrared radiation is to warm up the surface layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat to a depth of up to three millimeters. radio frequency in other words, the action of radio frequency current occurring at a depth of two centimeters. Mechanical massage is responsible for lymphatic drainage and cellulite reduction, and also promotes skin adherence to the body with reduced girth. Vacuum massage, on the contrary, increases the effectiveness of infrared and radio frequency. It sucks the skin, thereby improving its blood supply and helps to remove fatty tissue.

How should one prepare for such a procedure?

Sailing Form A procedure that does not require special training. It is enough to sign up for the salon and allocate an hour. However, as with any treatment that affects the appearance of our body, there are some contraindications. Pregnant women are forced to skip this procedure, as are women during menstruation. The good news is that if the mother is not breastfeeding, she may choose to have the procedure. Sailing Form already 2 months after the birth of a child, thanks to which he will quickly get rid of sagging skin on the abdomen, which can persist for a long time after childbirth. In addition, this treatment should not be used by people suffering from diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, all kinds of heart and kidney diseases, as well as those who have varicose veins.

Procedure Sailing Form begins with the application of a special moisturizing gel to selected areas of the body, which should facilitate the sliding of the device head. Contains firming and draining agents such as caffeine, algae extract and L-carnitine. After applying the head to the skin, the area covered with cellulite and excess adipose tissue warms up. This is possible thanks to infrared radiation. radio frequencyкоторый they heat the body up to 42 degrees Celsius on the surface, and in deeper layers the temperature reaches 50 degrees. For treatment with the device Sailing Form Anyone can do this, regardless of skin type and complexion. However, it is important not to carry out the procedure soon after sunbathing in the solarium. After completing the procedure Sailing Form You must be physically active for half an hour. It can be walking or cycling, it is important to be on the move, because then the effect of the therapy lasts much longer. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and drink plenty of water, you will not need to repeat the treatment.

Sailing Form III - latest generation device

Sailing Form III is the latest treatment model. Its action has been enriched with a head suitable for reducing fat on the chin. This is a device that brings the most expected results, including slender, toned buttocks. The exciting effect of the procedure makes more and more clients book appointments at the salon. Undoubtedly, after leaving the treatment room, the visibility of cellulite is less, and after two weeks, the effect of circumference reduction is undeniable. The skin is taut, elastic, adheres to a new, slender figure. A slender body and a sculpted oval of the face are an effect that can be achieved thanks to Sailing Form III. It also emphasizes the shape of the buttocks, which after a few series are rounded, lifted, without unsightly cellulite, ready to show themselves in skimpy bikini or sexy lingerie. This is undoubtedly a procedure that will allow you to get the figure of your dreams and give self-confidence to every woman. Sailing Form III also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for beautiful, youthful skin. Thanks to this, our body looks not only slimmer, but also much younger.

Summing up all this, it is safe to say that the procedure Sailing Form III is an innovative solution for every woman in need. Regardless of whether you lost the genetic lottery or playing sports - an extremely thorny path to the desired body, Sailing Form III effectively and efficiently cope with the problem of cellulite and extra pounds. No need to get tired of grueling diets and grueling exercises. It is enough to trust modern technologies and professional offices to enjoy a beautiful body and peace of mind, which can be gained thanks to a quick effect and a small contribution - after the procedures. Sailing Form III it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in light physical activity (dancing, swimming, cycling, walking) and monitor the calorie intake. Get a slim figure has never been so easy Jak now with Sailing Form.