» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Do you want rhinoplasty? Here's what you need to know before you start

Do you want rhinoplasty? Here's what you need to know before you start

Rhinoplasty or how to make a beautiful nose with plastic surgery

The nose is the central element of the face. The slightest defect at his level, and it seems that people only see it. That is why the nose is often the source of complexes in people. And this explains why rhinoplasty is one of the most popular surgical procedures in the field of rhinoplasty.

Often performed purely for aesthetic reasons, rhinoplasty delivers impressive results that help boost patients' self-confidence. However, it has two other very interesting aspects, the results of which can be just as impressive and boost self-esteem. The first is restorative and is aimed, for example, at correcting a broken nose as a result of an accident. The second is functional and is intended to treat respiratory discomfort caused by a deviated septum.

Rhinoplasty can affect both men and women. This is a very delicate procedure that requires good physical and psychological preparation. Its success depends above all on the choice of a highly qualified surgeon whose know-how and meticulousness no longer needs to be proven.

If rhinoplasty is tempting you, here's what you need to know before you get started.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is an intervention aimed at changing the shape of the nose for aesthetic or restorative reasons. This allows you to change the shape or size of the nose, depending on what you want.

This is a cosmetic operation aimed at correcting existing defects or malformations of the nose, often causing both physical and psychological discomfort.

and are aimed at treating breathing difficulties that may result from a deviated septum. Since it can be aesthetic and aimed at changing the shape of the nose by changing its morphology. This may be motivated by purely aesthetic reasons, such as the desire to correct an injury sustained after an accident.

Are you a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is an intervention that should not be considered until the nose is fully ossified (approximately age 17 for girls and 18 for boys).

It is also an intervention that requires careful consideration so that you are confident in your choice. It also happens that before the doctor gives his consent to the intervention, a psychological assessment is required. This is all the more likely when patients are very young. Because it is possible that the physical handicap that bothered you as a teenager will later be accepted or even appreciated. 

So it's better to wait a bit and think carefully before deciding to take a decisive step!

It should also be noted that it is preferable to resort to rhinoplasty while the skin is still elastic. Since the skin loses its elasticity with age, the results of changes caused by rhinoplasty are less noticeable in older people.

Choosing the Right Surgeon for Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a delicate procedure, the result of which must be perfect. Reason? The slightest flaw is obvious. Especially since the nose is the centerpiece of the face and its remodeling changes our entire appearance. It must be perfectly positioned to be in complete harmony with the rest of the face. Therefore, the surgeon must take into account the whole person when drawing up his plan of action.

This is why choosing a surgeon is one of the most important steps, if not the most important. The success of nose surgery and the future of your appearance depend on it.

To ensure that your rhinoplasty is performed in the best possible conditions, you must choose an excellent facial surgeon, an experienced person with an impeccable reputation, with whom you feel confident.

How is rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that lasts one to two hours. This is done under general anesthesia and often requires overnight hospitalization.

The course of intervention depends on its purpose. But there are usually two ways to do it:

– Closed rhinoplasty: the incision is made inside the nose.

– Open rhinoplasty: an incision is made between the nostrils.

The surgeon then proceeds with the modification he wants to make: correcting the deviation, reducing or shortening the nose, removing part of the cartilage, removing the hump, etc.

After the incisions are closed, a splint and bandage is placed over the nose to provide both support and protection.

What are the postoperative consequences of rhinoplasty?

– Swollen eyelids, bruising and swelling are the main postoperative consequences of rhinoplasty. But don't worry! Not only are they normal, but they disappear quickly. 

– Postoperative pain is minimal, and analgesics are enough to calm them.

– Physiological serum is prescribed for washing the nose to avoid the risk of infection and promote good healing.

– In the first weeks, you may notice that your nose has become more sensitive. This new sensitivity does not affect the sense of smell in any way and gradually disappears until it leaves no trace.

What about the results?

When everything goes well, the surgeon does a good job, and you follow his instructions before and after the procedure, you get excellent results. And the good news is that they are durable!

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

The price of rhinoplasty in Tunisia varies. Indeed, this price depends on several factors: the surgeon chosen, the complexity of the procedure performed, and the institution chosen. Usually it is necessary to count between 2100 and 2400 euros.

It is important that your surgeon give you a detailed estimate so that you have a clear idea of ​​the cost of your intervention.

Last thing... 

Before embarking on rhinoplasty, it is important to make sure that your desire to have this intervention comes from yourself, and is not the result of pressure from others. This will then allow you to guess and better evaluate the result.

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