» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Surgery to reduce overeating and overweight

Surgery to reduce overeating and overweight

The phenomenon of obesity has increased in recent decades and is now one of the major health problems leading to death. Non-surgical weight loss strategies are often insufficient. Excess weight affects mental, physical and aesthetic satisfaction. The only way out is this.

Sleeve gastrectomy in Tunisia saved the lives of obese people

Obesity is closely linked to a number of serious diseases. Consequences that can put an overweight person in the face of premature death. Most obese people are aware of the risks they face. Unfortunately, they fail to lose weight despite real efforts. Perhaps this is the right decision.

intervention reaches belly removal for weight loss. A smaller stomach is created in the form of a tube, forming a new reservoir that will receive less food. The patient will quickly feel full due to the decrease in the level of the hunger hormone. Therefore, he will no longer need a huge amount of food.

Other benefits that motivate you to have a sleeve gastrectomy in Tunisia

Gastric sleeve вмешательство cheap in tunisia. Patients come from all over the world to have this operation performed at renowned clinics in Tunisia. Moreover, what motivates patients the most is that the procedure provides spectacular and permanent weight loss. Proved that gastric sleeve is an effective way to lose 60% or more of excess body weight.

Indications for bariatric surgery in Tunisia

Eligible Candidates bariatric surgery in Tanxi must have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35. In addition, they must demonstrate repeated failure to control their weight after attempting non-surgical methods.

What diet is taken after sleeve gastrectomy?

Indeed, the beneficiaries of this  will have to eat segmented meals for the rest of their lives and follow a multi-stage diet to transition to a healthy diet.

The first stage of the diet lasts a week. The patient should only eat liquid food. Limit caffeine, sugary and carbonated drinks. Keeping hydrated after surgery can speed up the healing process and ease complications; nausea and vomiting.

At the second stage, sugar-free protein powder should be added to the diet. Then, after 10 days, the patient begins to feel hungry again. Thus, it is possible to switch to a high-protein liquid diet and consume a variety of beneficial nutrients.

The third stage diet after sleeve gastrectomy (week 3) allows the patient to add thicker puréed foods. However, he should still avoid sugar and fat. To feel full, you need to consume protein at the beginning of the meal.

Finally, after a month, it is allowed to switch to solid food, paying special attention to proteins and good hydration. A daily bariatric multivitamin is also part of this phase.