» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of a tricvert tattoo

The meaning of a tricvert tattoo

Tricvert is a Celtic symbol that arose with the birth of Christianity. Another name for "Fish of Jesus". According to legend, the first Christians, fearing the persecution of the pagan rulers, used the graphic image of a fish to recognize each other.

The meaning of a tricvert tattoo

Trikvetr consists of three interconnected elements (fish) inscribed in a circle. The drawing has three sharp points, which symbolizes the Trinity in Christianity, and the ring is the integrity of this divine union.

The number three is found in all religions and beliefs. Even in ancient times, there was the concept of "three principles of being." So, in African legends, they are called rivers that come from the depths of the world. In Slavic mythology, these are the threads of life.

Semites distinguish three types of ethical assessments, which are endowed with the corresponding color: white - honor, black - shame, and red - sin. The Indians point to three elements of the universe: white - water, black - earth and red - fire.

The idea to single out the three supreme gods arose back in the Neolithic period. Christianity simply borrowed this concept from paganism, fitting it to its canons. Orthodoxy and Catholicism claim that God is one, but at the same time triune.

Trickvert tattoo options

  1. Walknut. The foundational symbol of Northern European paganism. It looks like three intertwined triangles.
  2. Triskelion. An ancient sign that symbolizes three running legs connected in the center. This image is found in the cultures of the Greeks, Etruscans, Celts, Cretans. It personifies the "run of time", the course of history and the rotation of the heavenly bodies.

This tattoo is done to attract harmony, strength and peace. Most often, girls prefer to decorate their bodies with these drawings. Basically, such tattoos are created on the forearm and back.

Photo of tricvert tattoo on body

Photo of a dad trikvert on his hands