» Tattoo meanings » Photos of tattoos suum cuique

Photos of tattoos suum cuique

A tattoo with such a mysterious inscription in Latin should definitely attract the attention of others. After all, everyone will want to know what it means and how it is translated.

This inscription reads one of the common truths and translates as "to each his own." Usually, such inscriptions are not hidden and are punctured on accessible places of the body. For example, on the area of ​​the arm or neck.

Such a tattoo is quite typical for both men and women. Usually, a person who has filled himself with such a tattoo is distinguished by a spoiled character, it can be quite proud and arrogant.

Such a person rarely pays attention to the problems of others. With this inscription, he wants to say that each of the people has his own path, and his own problems. Therefore, it is hardly worth asking him for help.

Not many tattoo lovers know that such an inscription hung over the entrance to Buchenwald. In the place where people were monstrously mocked, killed, burned. There, this inscription was like an ominous mockery of those who got there.

Photo of suum cuique tattoo on hand