» Tattoo meanings » Photos of stalker tattoos on hand

Photos of stalker tattoos on hand

Among young people, a tattoo on which there is a fantastic hero from video games called Stalker is now very popular.

Although Stalker is not only a hero from video games, or the famous novel by the Strugatsky brothers. Stalkers call themselves people who sneak into closed areas and, despite the danger, explore them. It is not for nothing that this name came from the English phrase "creeping pursuer."

More often men do this tattoo for themselves. Volumetric drawings of a mysterious stranger in a gas mask and in a protective suit are applied to the back or forearm. Some just get off with one abbreviation which they prick on their wrists.

Usually men with such a tattoo are or are fans of video games. Or there is a person in front of you who is inclined to constantly search for something new. Quite decisive, often making spontaneous decisions, not afraid of dangers.

Despite the gloom of this tattoo, there are those who want to get it among the female sex. True, unlike men, they often brighten up her gloom with color elements. Usually girls prefer to put such a tattoo on the forearm.

This tattoo on the girl's body can say that there is another gamer in front of you. Or an adventurer.

This tattoo is often done by those stalkers who have ever visited the closed zone of Chernobyl. Next to the picture, they prick themselves the name of the area "Pripyat".

Photo tattoo stalker on hands