» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the seahorse tattoo

The meaning of the seahorse tattoo

The seahorse is one of the most mysterious and interesting inhabitants of the underwater kingdom. It owes its name to the unusual shape of the head, which is somewhat reminiscent of a noble horse.

The seahorse is often featured in the myths and legends of Europeans and the inhabitants of the Asian islands. This is, indeed, a unique creature. Its unusualness lies in the fact that the male seahorse is capable of producing offspring.

Thanks to its graceful configuration and rounded ponytail, this creation is very popular among tattoo fans. To a greater extent, a tattoo with a seahorse is preferred by the fair sex.

Literally translated from ancient Greek, "Hippocampus" means "sea monster". However, the ominous name does not correspond to the lifestyle of the seahorse - a more peaceful creature still needs to be looked for.

The peoples inhabiting the coast of the Black and Mediterranean Seas were sincerely convinced that such an unusual creature could not but possess magical powers. That is why in the temples and fonts of those distant times, picturesque frescoes depicting a seahorse were often found.

In Greek myths, it was these animals that were given the honor of being harnessed to the chariot of the almighty Poseidon. In addition, seahorses ferried souls to the realm of the dead.

In the Celestial Empire, the seahorse is considered a descendant of the dragon and is currently a symbol of trust and healing from any ailment. The eyes of a creature, which can rotate as if of their own free will, indicate caution and attentiveness... Ancient sailors, going to sea, often took with them a charm in the form of a seahorse.

What does seahorse tattoo mean?

A seahorse tattoo is a good sign, symbolizing non-aggressive dedication and success in any endeavors. It is believed that this beast, serving as a reminder that believing in oneself is simply necessary, is able to help overcome all the obstacles and hardships of life - just as it helped sailors to fight the distraught elements.

Often a picture depicting a seahorse is stuffed with creative people.

Due to its amazing ability to become pregnant and give birth unaided, the seahorse symbolizes single fathers... A seahorse tattoo is a real space for the imagination. This character is portrayed in both warm and cold colors.

Places of application of the seahorse tattoo

Girls are happy to wear a picture in the neck area, on the wrists and even fingers. Men "settle" an outlandish sea animal on the chest or shoulder.

Photo of seahorse tattoo on head

Photo of seahorse tattoo on body

Photo of seahorse tattoo on hand

Photo of seahorse tattoo on leg