» Tattoo meanings » Photos of mini and mickey tattoos

Photos of mini and mickey tattoos

This tattoo can be paired for two people, or it can be on one person.

Most often they are located on different hands, less often - next to each other in an embrace. Despite the fact that the cartoon about Mickey Mouse is already quite old, it does not cease to be childish from this.

This means that the owner of such a tattoo still feels like a child, loves to have fun and sees the world in bright colors.

Such people almost never lose heart and are able to find positive sides in everything. Looking at them, you can understand that childhood is not an age, but a state of our soul, and if you want, everyone can return at least for a while to that carefree time.

In the event that the tattoo is paired, its meaning changes slightly. Just as two famous mice will never part, so this couple will always be together, keeping the family happy and in a good mood.

Photo of mini and mickey tattoo on body

Photo of daddy mini and miki on hands