» Articles » Snake tongue in humans - how is split done?

Snake tongue in humans - how is split done?

Splitting (or cutting) the tongue is one of the most original ways of modifying the body in the last fifteen years. Back in 2002, the "snake tongue" was aggressively perceived by the society, after almost a decade and a half the situation has changed radically, and now more and more salons offer the "split" service, since the demand for it is growing.

The cutting of the tongue has a thousand-year history and is rooted in the civilization of the Mayan peoples. The high priests were obliged to make themselves a bifurcation of the language (sometimes it was divided into 3-4 parts), which was a kind of stigma.

A few hundred years later, the ritual of dividing the language was adopted by the teachings of "yoga". The ancient henchmen of this doctrine believed that a forked and elongated tongue would help them perform special exercises that brought its owner closer to the awareness of being and going beyond life. Many Indian deities had just such a language. In the Christian religion, it was believed that only the servants of Satan have a forked tongue.

Nowadays, split chooses more and more representatives of different subcultures, from dark Goths and emo, and ending with punks, metalheads and freaks. The purpose of a split, like many other body adornments (piercings, tunnels, tattoos), is the self-expression of the individual. But since you won't surprise anyone with an earring in the ear and on a tattoo on the arm, and it is difficult to stand out from the crowd in this way, brave young people decide on such an operation.

How to choose a split master

In theory, the procedure for bifurcating a language is quite simple. However, this does not mean that the Adam's apple can be made by a second master who knows how to hold a scalp in his hands. When choosing a master for a split, rely on the following criteria:

  • the level of professionalism is primarily indicated by the presence of a certificate of training. Courses for masters are held in Moscow, where they can issue it;
  • instruments for the procedure must be disposable and opened directly with you. Otherwise, ask the master about how to handle the scalpel, or leave the salon;
  • ask the master to submit a portfolio of his work and, if possible, talk with his former clients in advance and read reviews. If everything suits you, feel free to make an appointment.

Risks and contraindications

Regardless of whether your tongue is cut by a surgeon or a specialist in a salon, deciding on a procedure, you should be aware of the possible risks. They are as follows:

  1. Allergies or personal intolerance to anesthesia. Local anesthesia is administered to the patient immediately prior to the split. The foreman is obliged to provide his client with papers on possible secondary risks.
  2. Blood loss. Due to the fact that the box contains a huge number of blood vessels, if you lose control of the procedure, a lot of blood can be lost. If you make an incision in the tongue in a medical facility, then this probability is minimized.
  3. An incision in the nerves or glands. This is possible only with a deep bifurcation of the tongue. If this happens, then an emergency hospitalization is required.

As for contraindications, such a procedure is not recommended for persons under 18 years of age, with a low pain threshold and poor blood clotting. Individual contraindications should be consulted with a specialist.

How to care for your tongue after the procedure

The divided halves of the tongue in the first few months can grow together or fester, so during this time your tongue needs competent care. It is also important to prevent unwanted effects in the form of decay.

The most unpleasant day is the first. Usually, masters advise to close at home in complete peace, devoting all of themselves to caring. In the early days you will experience very profuse salivation... It will be quite difficult to spit at the same time due to the fact that the tongue will swell.

After the tongue is cut, it will be necessary to wear a homeostatic sponge for the first few weeks, which is placed between the cut parts. It must be changed at least 4 times a day and every time after a meal.

About drugs, anesthetics and disinfectants consult ONLY a professional master! In no case do not take on faith the advice of strangers from forums and social networks.

Alcohol and cigarettes must be strictly excluded during the healing of the split.


If you decide on the procedure for cutting the language, then you should also be aware of all the possible consequences:

  1. Once your tongue has been cut with a scalpel, the tongue will not be able to return to its original state unless you resort to special surgery. But here it is worth noting that it will be more painful and expensive.
  2. Forked tongue will affect your diction. You will begin to lisp when you speak, and will most likely spit.
  3. The first time after the incision will not only hurt to talk, but also to eat. After a few months, the pain will go away.
  4. If the work is of poor quality by the master, or if you decide to cut your tongue yourself (in no case!), It can fester, so the split can only be carried out in a medical institution (a good BM studio must have an appropriate license).